Chapter 44 - Pain

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 I don't really remember putting our clothes back on, but when my eyes fluttered open our pile had disappeared and both of us were fully clothed. I was still wrapped up in Stiles' arms, both of our scents intertwined just as our hands. I wanted to relive what we just did until eternity. 

 We finally did it. Stiles and I finally had sex. Sure, it wasn't the whole rose petals, candles, romantic music playing in the background, and king sized bed kind of thing I'd imagined my first time to be like, but looking back now I'm glad we did things our own way. I am horribly, terribly in love with this person and now I have a connection with him that no one else could ever understand. 

 "Stiles," I said softly, tickling at his cheek with my nose.

 "Hmm?" He stirred. His eyelashes batted open in the most delicate way possible, and his mouth curved into a smile when he looked down to see me in his arms. 

 "I have to go back to class," 

 "No," he whined, pulling me into his chest. He tucked my head under his chin, placing a lingering kiss into my hair. His arms were wrapped tightly around my middle, hugging me close to him. 

 "Stiles," I giggled. 

 I tried wriggling out of his grip, but he just held me tighter to him. "Stay,"

 He pulled me back down as I tried to get up, and I realized there was no use in arguing with him, especially when staying was exactly what I wanted to do. So, I nuzzled into him, loving the warmth that emitted off of his body. He smelled fresh and somewhat like me. I liked that.

 Suddenly, there was a loud ringing in my ears. I sat up, pressing my hands to the sides of my head to try and block out the sound. "What the hell is that?" I asked Stiles. "Is that an emitter?"

 We both stood up and I followed the source of the ringing, leading myself to one of the Argent's emitters sticking up out of the top of a wooden box. Why was there an emitter down here, and why was it just going off now? 

 I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs, stopping at the entrance of the basement. Stiles and I both turned around to see Scott, Ethan, and Aiden standing before us. I could hear their heart rates picking up, and I could smell the twins' anger.

 "Okay, I know what you guys are thinking," said Stiles, holding his hands out. "But it's me, I swear to god it's me."

 The twins didn't seem to care as they both barred their fangs and their eyes turned an icy shade of blue. They ran at Stiles, getting to him before I could react. One of them grabbed him by the neck, lifting him into the air against the wall.

 "No! No stop!" I begged, lunging at the twins. One of them shoved me back into the ground with ease.

 "STOP!" Scott yelled, grabbing the twin that had shoved me and throwing him backwards into a set of lockers. 

 Stiles' feet were back on the ground, but the other twin was still in his face. He turned around and growled at Scott, but Scott barred his fangs and alpha red eyes and growled him into submission. The twin backed away, almost like a dog with it's tail in between it's legs.

 "Scott it's him," I said, getting back onto my feet and rushing to Stiles' side. Scott twisted his nose, giving both of us an odd look. 

 "It's me, I promise," said Stiles.

 "Do you know what happened at the hospital?" The twin on the ground asked, Ethan I think now that I look at him. 

 "I know more than that," said Stiles. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he walked over and crouched down in front of a black duffle bag, pulling out what looked like folded up blueprints. "See this? It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring,"

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