Chapter 17 - The Infamous Glen Capri

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 The bus came to a jerky stop in the parking lot of a motel in the middle of nowhere. I stepped off behind Scott, Stiles following me. I had my duffle bag slung over my shoulder and my hand gripping the free fabric of Stiles' jacket. 

 "Well, I've seen worse," said Scott.

 "Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asked. 

 Coach blew his whistle again, getting everyone's attention. "Listen up, the meet's been pushed til tomorrow. This is the closet hotel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves."

 I kept myself partially hidden behind Stiles. Glen Capri, read the glowing sign above the building. I don't know why, but it was sending me an eerie vibe. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. This is just another motel. Besides, it's only one night.

 "You'll be pairing up," said Coach, holding up a fistful of keys. "Choose wisely,"

 I glanced around at everyone, doing the math in my head. Based on Coach's assumptions about me and Stiles, there's no way in hell he'd let me stay with him and Scott. So, I'll just have to triple up with Lydia and Allison. I moved to stand by them, but Coach stopped me.

 "Brisbane!" He called. I slowly turned around to face him. "You'll have to pair up with Callie,"

 A girl about my height with jet-black hair stepped in beside Finstock. She was one of the four girls stupid enough to join the Cross Country team, like myself. I noticed that the other two girls already had their room key and were giggling amongst each other.

 "But, Coach - " I started.

 "No buts," he said. "You'll be fine,"

 I groaned as Callie snatched the key and came over to me. I don't have a problem with her, per say, it's just we've never really spoken much. Not only that, but I'm afraid of losing control again with someone who doesn't know what's happening. 

 "We could just triple up," I offered. "I can stay with Lydia and Allison and she - "

 I was cut off by the blowing of his whistle. Now I knew how Stiles must have felt when he was trying to get him to pull the bus over. I had to remind myself to stay calm, though, and not let it get to me. I can't get angry.

 "You're rooming with Callie and that's final," said Coach.

 Stiles stepped in behind me, placing a soft hand on the small of my back. He can tell I'm worried about staying with someone outside of our little group. Besides, the only time I can ever really sleep, is when I'm with either Eric or Stiles. And I need as much sleep as I can get these days.

 We began walking, following both Scott and Callie up to our rooms. I at least hoped they weren't far apart in case I needed to sneak out in the middle of the night. I'm sure Scott wouldn't mind. It's not like we're doing anything bad. Plus, he's pretty good at interrupting if it comes down to it.

 "And I'll have no sexual perversions from you little deviants," said Coach. "Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves! That means you, Stilinski! Don't think I won't do a room check tonight,"

 Stiles immediately dropped his hand back to his side and my face flushed pink in embarrassment. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my giggle. A smirk danced on Stiles' face as he nudged me playfully with his elbow. I nudged him back and he slung his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him.



 My shoulders when cold and I laughed again as Stiles took a step away from me. Coach really thinks we are the horniest pair of teenagers at Beacon Hills. If only he knew...

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