Chapter 38 - Illegal Endeavors

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 I know that the Argents are hiding something from me, Eric and Isaac too. They wouldn't give me any details as to what exactly happened to Eric and Isaac to put them both in that state. I know there's more to this, I just don't know why they think they can't tell me. 

 Still, I'm doing the same thing to Stiles. Mr. Argent doesn't want us to speak about what happened for at least twenty-four hours. I know that I should tell Stiles, but a part of me believes that maybe it is best we keep this under wraps for a while. There's enough going on around here as it is. 

 The town still doesn't have power, yet here I am standing with Stiles at his school. I'm pretty sure I could set this place on fire and they would still make us go to class. They ought to just cancel school altogether with all the secret supernatural stuff that happens in this town. I think that would be best for everyone.

 "So what happened to Eric last night?" Stiles asked me as he pulled a Physics book out.. "You said over the phone he was fine, but you never really said what happened,"

 "Oh," I said, quickly racking my brain for a solid lie. "He just got kind of panicky and I had to go calm him down,"

 I let out the breath I was holding when Stiles nodded his head in acceptance. He didn't even seem to be listening, as he was too preoccupied staring at one of the keys on his key ring. He looked at it skeptically, furrowing his eyebrows at it. 

 "How'd it go at the station?" I asked, pulling Stiles out of his trance. He looked back up at me and stuffed the keys into his pocket.

 "I'm pretty sure Scott's dad knows we're lying," he said with a sigh. "But it's not like he has much else to go on at this point,"

 "What about your dad?" I asked him.

 Stiles shifted on his feet, opening his mouth to speak but no words coming out. I softened my expression. I know that this whole thing with Agent McCall trying to impeach his father has impacted him just as much as his dad, and it's not right. These cases aren't Sheriff Stilinski's fault, it's just kind of hard to explain that to someone who doesn't know the truth.

 I placed my hand on Stiles' arm in comfort. I was just about to say something else when Coach's voice echoed throughout the hallway from a bullhorn.

 "Class starts in five minutes!" He called out, holding up five fingers and walking through the crowd of students. "Just because there's no power, don't expect there to be no school!"

 "Hey that was a triple negative," said Stiles, giving Finstock a wink as he walked by us. "Very impressive, Coach,"

 I giggled, clutching my books to my chest. "I'm still watching you two," said Coach from down the hall. I widened my eyes at Stiles as he held back a laugh. Ever since Stiles let that condom drop in class Finstock has labeled us as the sex freaks of Beacon Hills High. If only he knew how unrealistic that actually is.

 "That's your fault you know," I said, my cheeks burning red. 

 "What? How?" 

 I scoffed and playfully rolled my eyes. "Need I remind you of the XXL condom incident?"

 He raised his eyebrows and bobbed his head. "Right," he said. He moved in closer to me, our faces only an inch apart. "Well maybe if we'd gotten the chance to use it,"

 "Stilinski!" Coach shouted through the bullhorn.

 We both jumped back, Stiles giving a nonchalant wave down the hall towards Finstock. I threw my hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter. Stiles gave me a look, but I just shrugged and shut his locker door.

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