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Tell me the story

about how the sun

loved the moon so much

he died every night

to let her breathe


The crispness of fall hung in the air. The summer months had passed to Alpha Jay's relief. He had never liked summer. The leaves were changing in color. The air now held a certain coolness to it. The transformation came at the right time.

It felt like his own life was transforming vastly.

The main reason- Daisy.

He had left the clinic after she called him her embarrassing pet name in front of Doctor Schulman. He felt uncomfortable being pushed outside his comfort zone like this. Daisy said things around him that he normally would have shut down. But from his mate, he found it both cute and traumatizing.

They still had their date tonight. Alpha Jay had an idea of what to do. He didn't know if Daisy would enjoy it or not though. The extra worry gnawed away inside of him.

Focus. Jay commanded himself. He needed his mind on pack duties right now. Daisy now held a certain part of his mind- a part that would always be thinking of her. But he didn't need his whole thoughts consumed by her. He needed to still get done his duties. For his pack.

Jay dropped the binder off in his office, deciding he needed to look at the pack warriors and check on their progress.

Within the Alba Rosa pack, every member was required at least two years of warrior training. After those two years, they had to make a choice of if they wanted to continue being a warrior or if they wanted to branch out and become something else. There was no special treatment just because of gender. Both males and females were required to train.

Stepping into the training zone, Alpha Jay eyed the many warriors. They all ranged in different age. He had three generals who oversaw the whole operation. Each General was assigned a different skill level. Beginner, Intermediate and Expert warriors.

Choosing to see how the beginners were doing, Alpha Jay spotted the General in charge of the group- Victoria.

"Alpha," she said, nodding her head down in respect.

"Victoria," Alpha Jay replied, standing next to her to look at the group of newly shifted wolfs that were running laps around the track. "How is their progress?"

"Good for the most part," Victoria said smiling without teeth at Alpha Jay, "Some have already expressed interest in continuing their training," she laughed then, saying, "others have already expressed interest of the opposite."

Alpha Jay gave a small smile. He could tell who some of the wolves Victoria was talking about were. A group of lean athletic wolves were racing ahead of the group, their skin reflecting with sweat but their faces smiling and eyes bright with the physical activity. And then in the back of the group, there were some who grumbled as others passed them. They glared at the ground or huffed away at the track, showing however they could their displeasure at being forced to do unwanted physical activity.

"It's only for a little while," Alpha Jay said, keeping his face straight, but on the inside feeling guilty for forcing someone to do something they didn't like.

"It's good for them Alpha," Victoria said, "They need the physical activity so their skin side can match their wolf. That way the wolf doesn't overpower them in a transformation. This is good practice so they can handle their shift later on."

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