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"You never really understand a person until you consider things

from his point of view - 

until you climb into his skin and walk around 

in it. "

~To Kill a Mockingbird 



Months fell into a year.

One year fell into another.

And another.

Elder brought another girl after Angie. This one worse and on the brink of death. Her mate abusive and causing her to be in critical state throughout her whole months pregnant.

It was a welcoming relief to Daisy, to stay at the hospital for long periods of time, instead of the pack. The warriors though still watched her. Still made sure she didn't escape.

As soon as the pup was delivered. As soon as she made sure she was okay and the pup's vitals were fine. She left. The pain within her almost unbearable as the moon's whip lashed out against her, a punishment for staying put within one place for to long.

She ran. Escaping into the dark folds of the night.

As far away from that pack as she could, laying low for several months, hiding away from the warriors that pursued her and into the safety of a different continent.

Into the depths of South Africa, where the pack there loved and adored her, treated her with praise and high respect.

Then she moved on, traveling further up into the heart of Africa. Wandering. Restless.

Yet she couldn't move back to where her heart really was.

Where she really was needed.

Because of the fear.

The fear of the choice she had made.

She gave up not only her mate, but her child.

Her flesh and blood.


He would never accept Daisy after that.

Would never accept the choice she had made, even if she had been in a circumstance where she thought it best at the time.

She should have fought harder.

She should have fought, tooth and claw and with everything she had, to make it back to her mates side.

And now that she was free, she couldn't bring herself to face the rejection she was sure to find. The rejection she had put him through.

They were better without her.

It was the thought that drove and kept her away.

Yes. She missed them.

She missed her males everytime she came across a pair of dark blue eyes or saw a head of dark hair. She missed him whenever she saw a lake. Any body of water. She missed him when she looked up at the stars and the moon. Missed sitting within his warmth. Missed his slow breathes and long kisses. Missed his callused hands and rough voice.



All of him.

And sometimes Daisy laid awake at night, hoping to fall asleep, before she would fall apart.

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