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I think, 

she's caught between 

who she is, 

and who she wants to be


It was another day before Grace woke up.

After two days of rest she was strong enough to hold her new pups.

"Quinn and Lilah?" she said, amusement in her eyes and she looked up at Jay and Stephen. "Should I be surprised or happy that you two actually chose names that I like?"

They laughed down at her as she adored her two new girls.

They ignored the elephant in the room.

John had not shown up yet.

Grace ignored it and had not asked any questions when she had woken up. Her only thought and concern were of her two new girls. If they were safe and sound.

Jay and Stephen watched, smiling at the interaction.

"Fate gave you each pup for a reason," Grace said.

"More like a frantic Daisy," Stephen joked.

Grace sushed him but laughed, "I was going to ask, would you like to be the god-fathers to the girls you named?"

Jay felt his heart swell as he looked down at Lilah. He could already tell her apart from her sister.

"Yes," Jay said, his word choking within his mouth.

"I would like that also," Stephen said, reaching forward to stroke Quinn's soft sleeping head.

"Why Lilah?" Grace questioned later.

Stephen had left, and it was just them within the room.

"She was born at night. Lilah means night."

Grace laughed at how simple it was.

"Stephen just chose Quinn because he liked the sound of it. Thank you for putting thought into her name." Grace bent down and kissed the top of each of their heads.

Jay smiled at the scene as he stood up.

He bent down to briefly kiss Grace's forehead. A small blush appeared on her pale face, bringing color back into it.

"You did good Gracie," he said, looking down at the two little girls.

He then said his goodbyes to the new mother and her daughters.

Daisy and Doctor Schulman were sitting, sipping coffee.

"Thank you," Jay said, approaching them and bending down to hug the doctor, before he placed a small kiss on Daisy's cheek.

"No problem hot stuff," Daisy said tiredly, her smile growing.

"Where are you going?" Doctor Schulman called out as Jay walked down to the exit.

"There's something I have to take care of."
He looked at Daisy and saw her nod. She knew.

He walked outside and saw the surrounding forest that encased the clinic.

He raised his head, sure that Stephen had already gotten a head start on him. He was an Alpha though. They would find him at the same time.

He caught the faint scent of him within the air and shifted, grabbing his clothes within his mouth as he raced into the forest.

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