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Everything has changed and yet

I am more me than I've ever been


Daisy felt as if an invisible barrier had been shattered.

She and Jay now held no secrets. They knew each other and the dark pasts, hidden lies and twisted parts that were present within the other.

It was a relief. Daisy felt her love for her mate grow, if the thought was even possible.

Something had also shattered within Daisy's and Grace relationship. No longer were they fast friends. Daisy felt a tension within their conversation- one that Jay had picked up and noted on.

"She is protective of me," Jay said shrugging when Daisy voiced her concern.

"I think it's more than protectiveness," Daisy grumbled.

Jay smiled down at his mate, "Are you jealous my little moon?"

Daisy gave a mock glare at him and laughed. Jay grabbed her waist, all playful now in his actions, "Is my little moon jealous?" He joked, burying his head within her neck and placing a soft kiss upon her mark.

Daisy squealed with laugher at his lighter side he was showing and struggled to break free. Jay laughed at her actions and pressed her closer to him.

"Stop!" she laughed as he began to tickle her. She gasped for breath as his fingers danced across her stomach.

They continued laughing, Jay stealing small kisses from her as their smiles grew.

Jackie watched the interaction from the window, the smile her Alpha showing providing a grin of her own.

A ring from the phone broke her gaze.

"Hello?" Jackie said, still watching her Alpha and smiling at the scene.

"Jackie?! Jackie get Daisy at the clinic now! Grace is going into Labor! Grace is going into Labor!" Jackie clung onto the phone and raced outside.

Jay and Daisy stopped in their actions to watch the frantic woman.

"Daisy! Grace is going into labor!" Jackie yelled from the doorway.

Daisy's eyes flashed as she raced towards the front of the house, Jay closely behind her.

"My equipment is at the clinic, Just drive!" She yelled at Jay.

Jay raced out of the drive way, getting curious stares from other pack members as he drove down the dirt road.

"It's too early," Daisy whispered over and over again.

They pulled up in front of the clinic. Daisy got out while the truck was still slowing to a stop and raced towards the doors.

Jay parked and ran out.

He followed Daisy's scent and found Grace, John, Stephen and Doctor Schulman, already present with Grace on the table.

"Daisy," Doctor Schulman let out a sigh of relief.

Daisy started dressing with gloves, cap and gown assessing the situation.

"Give me an update doc." She said.

"Contractions are regular, we're still in stage one but she's-," he was interrupted by the low growl that came from John.

"What is he doing here!?"
John glared at Jay who looked back at John with small surprise in his eyes.

"I came with Daisy," he said.

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