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"Do you love her?"


"How Much?"

"Does it matter?"

"Why does it not?"

"Because it wasn't enough, to make her stay."


The older woman sat at her small table.

Different herbs and flowers hung from the ceiling, strung across the small cabin- drying out within the dying light.

She sighed softy as she grounded fresh herbs together, inhaling the scent.

The water boiled steadily over the fire, making a soft gurgle as the bubbles rose.

She continued within her work of grinding and pressing various types of herbs and flowers. Her actions were interrupted by a knock across the door.

Wearily she got up and went to it.

Just another traveler, she thought as she opened.

A heavy presence settled over her as she took in the figure of the tall dark man. He loomed over her doorframe, his head rising above the top, looking down at her.

She gulped back whatever fear the sight of him caused and opened the door more, allowing him access to come in.

"Welcome," she said, as she watched the stranger bend his head down, stepping into the small cabin.

She felt cramped suddenly with him inside. It became all too apparent to her how small her house was with his dominating presence.

He looked around the room curiously, before settling his sight back to her.

"How can I help you?" The woman asked, wiping her hands across her apron and sitting back down at her table. She waved her hand, inviting him to have a seat with her.

He sat down, folding his to long legs under the table neatly before he faced her.

"I'm looking for someone," he said. The woman repressed a shiver at the voice. It was deep, deeper than a regular man's voice. And commanding. She knew right away that he held a certain level of power.

"Who are you looking for?" She questioned, looking curiously at the stranger.

He gazed at her hard, as if looking for something within her features before speaking, "I'm looking for the mother of 'little moon child.'

The woman stiffened and looked at the man in surprised.

"W-what?" She asked. She quickly got up and grabbed a knife, holding it out. She doubted though that she could defend herself against this dark stranger. Power just seemed to radiate off him in waves, without his conscious effort.

The man held up his hands, trying to show that he meant no harm, "Are you who I am speaking of?"

The woman shivered as the man looked intently at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she lied, though her actions had already given her away.

"I don't mean you any harm," the man said, his deep voice trying to be soft within the small cabin.

"Who are you?" The woman demanded, "Why are you looking for me?" She stood tall, still holding her knife as she glared at the man. He would have to take her fighting if he wanted her. And he would never get information out of her.

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