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"Get up."

The small boy laid upon the ground, a small trickle of blood trailing its way down his face.

"Get up."

He made the efforts of pushing his weight up, straining his arms to follow the command, but his limbs gave out, quivering underneath as they collapsed under him.

"Get up."

The boy looked up at the man before him, tears coursing down with the blood, diluting it as it dripped slowly down and off his chin.

A small whimper escaped his mouth.

"I..I..,-," he made the efforts of pushing himself off the ground again, but could not even manage that.

The man above him sighed.

"Jay get him up."

Another boy, one who had been silently watching with quiet sorrow and fury, approached the fallen soul and gently lifted him, careful to avoid the long gashes that were present upon his back and various places.

"Get him out of my sight. Make sure your mother doesn't see."

The boy nodded before making his way out of the woods, the ever watchful eyes of their father on their retreating figure.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."Jay's whispered pleas fell upon deaf ears as he looked down to see his brother's sagged head and closed eyes.

Passed out.

He knew his father had not done enough damage to kill him. Not enough to tide him over to the side of no return.

Just enough to make Jay panic and move faster through the trees.

"Lewis, please no. Please Lewis. I'm so sorry. I couldn't stop him. I can't stop it. I'm so sorry." Tears streamed down Jay's own cheeks as he whispered over and over the pains of his heart to the silent forest.

"Not fast enough."

Jay's head turned around just in time to see a blur of movement before he felt his body become weightless. His back collided with the trunk of a nearby tree. The breath within his lungs left him as he fell to the ground.

"Lew-is," Jay barley was able to weeze the name out when he felt another violent force impact him, taking whatever air he had been able to regain, away.


Jay looked up, fear in his eyes as he saw his father approach him. Lewis's crumpled figure laid where Jay and he had last been standing.

"Father please."

The man only repeated the one word, "Run."

Jay stood, clinging to his side as he turned around and did as he said.

Away. Get him away from Lewis.

He looked behind, desperately looking for any signs of pursuit.

None were seen.

It only made Jay panic, turn around and run past the trees, losing his direction and sense of where he was.

Then he saw him.

His father's eyes flashed, gold shining against the dim lighting as he stepped out in front of Jay.

Jay gasped, backtracking his steps to quickly turn around.

"Why do you run away?"

His father's taunting voice followed him deeper into the woods.

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