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he said

while gripping tight the fabric, 

of his own pant leg, 

"You run out 

of tears 

Long before you run out

 of hurt."

~Tyler K. G. 



The rush for breakfast came fast.

Sandra stood in the kitchen, flipping pancakes and scrambling eggs.

I still had to blink twice and remind myself that Jackie would not be the one cooking for us anymore.

Sandra smiled at me. She was nice enough. Though I could tell she made dad uncomfortable.

She had moved to the pack five years ago, and so knew none of the events that had transpired about my mother and her leaving.

She had heard the stories though and because of that seemed to have a silent vendetta to make my father whole again.

I wanted to remind her though that you could not fix a vase that had been shattered. The only option is to cut your hands and glue the pieces jaggedly back together.

Father came down shortly after me, and sat at the head of the table.

"Your times coming old man," I said, sitting down at his right. "Soon that will be me sitting there."

He gave me a grin, loading his plate up with eggs and bacon. Father hated pancakes. He always told Sandra to not make them, but she dutifully ignored him and he, like clock work, winced at the sight of them.

I did not eat them either.

"It will be a while before that happens," he said.

I thought while eating. Father had become Alpha at a young age of 17. I was already behind at 18, but I knew of the darkness that made him become in a position of power at such a young age. I still felt like I was lagging though.

"Training after this?"

He took a sip of his coffee and nodded, "Of course."
The training always was good.

It took my mind away from life for a few hours. I could tell it did the same to dad.

Mid way through though, I paused to look at the intermediates who were training. Father had the pack set up to where wolves were required to train at least two years before deciding if they wanted to continue on as a warrior, or go on to a different occupation. Based upon their level of experience, they were placed within three categories- beginners, intermediate and expert.

"Lilah moved up?"
Father paused to look where I was watching.

A she-wolf named Lilah stood among the group. She waved and grinned at us when she caught us watching. Father was her God-father so she was always around hanging onto him.

"She is progressing quickly." I didn't miss the pride in father's voice and had to shove down any unwanted feelings of jealousy that I had.

Lilah and her twin sister Quinn were almost a year older than me, and father had been present at their births. An experience father had never been able to share with me.

"Let's get back to it," Father's voice jolted me back to reality.

The day progressed smoothly enough.

It was the same routine but I found that I could stand it if I had a routine to follow. Father was the same way.

I was the only one allowed within his office because father knew I could keep straight all the materials and supplies that he had organized.

I was in the middle of training to be his successor for Alpha- and therefore had to learn how to communicate and handle the Alba Rosa and other neighboring packs.

Finally at the end of the day, the work was sorted and done.

"Go hang out with your friends."
I paused on the office chair. I didn't want to tell father that really, other than Lilah and Quinn, I didn't have that many close acquaintances.

But I wouldn't tell him that.

Instead I nodded and thanked him, silently leading out of the office.

I paused at the doorway, father's dark eyes watching me.

He held out his arms and without hesitation and I walked into them.

I hugged him back, holding him tightly to me.

"Easy there," he chuckled, "I'm getting older now."
I laughed but it had a small strained sound to it.

"Love ya dad."
His eyes softened at the words. He pushed my hair out of my eyes, "I love you too. Don't ever forget that."
I nodded and left after those words.

We often hugged. It was our way of checking. As we both held each other together, making sure the other was okay and didn't break. 

Goodmorning/Goodafternoon/Goodevening/Goodnight to all my lovely readers! 

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Goodmorning/Goodafternoon/Goodevening/Goodnight to all my lovely readers! 

*blows kisses

Lately I've been addicted to the song 'Cut my Hair- Mounika (feat. Cavetown). 

I think I've been listening to this song for two hours straight (and it's a two minute song so....if that says anything about my sanity...)

Anyhooo Hope everyone liked the update!

Until next time, 



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