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I loved her 

Not for the way 

She danced

with my angels 

But for the way 

The sound of 

her name

Could silence 

my demons 

~Christopher Poindexter


Daisy looked at the files for each of the females. They laid scattered around her office. She was never comfortable with the idea of having a permanent residence, and the files that Doctor Schulman had given to her to organize a month ago were still sitting on her desk.

She had tried to organized stacks. It made her laugh when Jay came in and winced at the sight. What didn't make her laugh was when Jay stayed in her office for hours filing and putting papers in binders. Daisy was startled the first time she came across it. But it had only taken her three days for the office to return to its original picture of disorganized mess.

When Jay had come around to visit her and saw the mess she had made of his beautiful, meticulous binders and color coated files, she thought he would laugh with her. Instead he had a pained look in his eyes as he sat down and reorganized the papers.

Now Daisy just shoved the papers in a drawer whenever she knew he was coming.

She had never dealt with files and papers or an office. This was getting to be the mark where she would start to distance herself from the pack, and then leave.

However she couldn't leave- Grace still had at least three more months to go.

Daisy stopped in her filing to take a deep breath. She needed to calm down. She had not stayed in one place for this amount of time in a while. It was starting to wear her down. She was restless. But she needed to stay.

Feeling her heart beat start to race and her palms become sweaty, Daisy pushed herself roughly away from the desk. She needed to get some fresh air. She was not meant to be inside for so long. She needed to see the world in its original beauty and feel the moon upon her skin. Only then did she feel her heart was in the right place. Not even her new found mate could make her feel as safe as the moon could. Because the Moon was all she had during her darkest times. She had been present and there. Constant and steady. She had been the life mate that Daisy did not have to find. And in return for this love the moon had blessed Daisy.

The cool air of fall hit Daisy's face as she opened the door. She breathed out a sigh of relief at the contact. Doctor Schulman looked out of his office to see Daisy standing within the open door way. She noticed his eyes and turned to him saying, "I'm just going out for some fresh air."

Doctor Schulman nodded, "Are you wanting to find Alpha Jay?"

Daisy thought about it before nodding. She wanted to see Jay.

Doctor Schulman glanced at his watch "It's close to noon" he mumbled. Doctor Schulman looked up, "he should be at the training grounds at this time."

Daisy nodded and smiled. Always so meticulous.

She basked in the coolness of the breeze as she walked over to the training grounds. She needed to see Jay more. She had been avoiding him. Guiltily Daisy thought back to their encounter a few days ago.~~

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