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I'd rather wear flowers in my hair,

than diamonds around my neck


"I'm so ready," Grace sighed, as she slowly rubbed her stomach, "Two months cannot come soon enough."

Daisy smiled at her, "patience Grace. Let's get this checkup done first."

Grace sighed wearily as she leaned back on the table.

"You and John didn't want to know if it was a popping boy or girl?"

Grace shook her head, "I just want them to be healthy. That's all."
Daisy moved the ultra sound around, and checked the two heartbeats.

"Everything is as good as a fresh baked cookie," She said.

Grace gave a sigh of relief as she watched the screen.

"It looks like a boy," she said, smiling.

Daisy chuckled, "Do you want me to confirm or deny it?"

Grace shook her head, transfixed by what she saw, "It always takes my breath away. Every time I see them."

Grace looked up at Daisy, "Do you want to be a mother some day?"

Daisy briefly glanced at Grace before going back to her work, "I hope one day I will be. But I don't think I will be a good mother."

Grace gave a comforting pat to Daisy's hand, "everyone says that. But your mother instincts will kick in."

Daisy slowly shook her head, "No. I know already that I will not be a good mother."

Grace's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "I don't think-,"

"Have you been drinking the ginger tea every day?" Daisy interrupted.

Grace knew the topic had been avoided, but she let it go. She would tell Jay later about Daisy's strange words. "It taste horrible," Grace said, making a face.

Daisy gave her a hard stare, "it will help you."
A sigh escaped Grace's lips once again as they looked at each other, "Fine," Grace said, leaning back. She wished desperately that John was with her. He was tired though. His anxiety was getting ahold of him. He could see the dark circles under Grace's eyes and hear her labored breathing at night.

It was all getting to him.

"Alright Grace, I'll tell Doc you're done."

Just as they were walking out, Grace sniffed and smelled the familiar scent of Jay.

She looked up to see him leaning against his truck. His presence always left her with a sense of safety and comfort.

"Jay," Grace said, feeling the smile spread across her face.

"Hey Grace, I thought you might need a ride back," he opened the door for her and helped her in. She watched from the window as he turned to Daisy. She winced at the look of pain that crossed his eyes. The sad truth was, that no mate should make their other half be in pain. But it seemed a common occurrence.

She tried to ignore the whispered conversation but couldn't resist.

"Hey hot stuff, I was going to give her a ride back."
"It's alright little moon, I need to make sure John is okay...He is depressed...Already accepting Grace's death...."

Grace winced at the words she was not meant to hear.

"She is doing good. Her checkup was good. Tell him that when you see him."

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