Chapter Seven

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"Ma'am, Ma'am!" Jimin broke into a sprint to chase our adviser, Miss Kia. Luckily, she managed to get her attention. I fastened my pace, while Jimin rested his hands on his thighs. 

"What is it Jimin, Ayumi? Shouldn't you be be doing a general rehearsal for your performance?" she eyed us. I felt comfortable in my outfit - just a simple white dress. From behind, I hear someone's footsteps, and knowing who it was, I didn't bother looking. 

"All done." Jimin replied, then motioned over to Yoongi. "The piano.. can we move it to the stage?" 

Miss Kia blinked a few times and pushed up her glasses, looking a bit overwhelmed by our request. "T-The piano? To the stage? Right now?" 

"Hmm." Yoongi nodded, stepping forward. "The school does it every music recital - it won't be much of a huge work." 

"Min Yoongi." Miss Kia started. "Aren't you a senior? Don't you have a performance for yourselves? Have you asked permission from your teacher?" 

Yoongi nodded. "Done." 

She sighed, "Alright. I'll handle it." she turned to me and Jimin, "The two of you- get ready." then to Yoongi, "And well, I guess you too." 

As she excused herself, I see Yoongi roll his eyes when we made our way to the gymnasium. "Aish, this is hard work. Why can't you just perform with actual music blasting through the place?" 

"But it will make things more.. classic and magical!" Jimin pointed out. My thoughts exactly! I patted Yoongi's shoulder in comfort and laughed softly as we entered the backstage. 

From where we were, we could see the first performers. They were dancing hip hop. Though the genre wasn't my specialty, I enjoyed their performance. 

Slowly, it was our turn. Luckily, they closed the curtains, which gave the people more time to pull in the piano - thank god there was another music room nearby. 

I was getting nervous. My heart started beating faster, making it hurt a bit. I flinched as we walked to the stage with the curtains closed, and Jimin turned to me with a worried look as Yoongi sat in front of the piano. 

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly. I smiled and nodded, before taking his hand, since this was the first pose we were to do. 

"Ready?" Miss Kia whisper-shouted from the side of the stage. We nodded in agreement, and soon, the curtains opened. People immediately clapped. They probably didn't expect a piano.. 

You'll do good, Ayumi. 

As Yoongi started playing, me and Jimin danced our choreography. It was quiet, but from time to time, people would clap and cheer. Right before our last bow, my chest started to ache. Luckily, Jimin slyly wrapped an arm around my waist, and bowed. 

The crowd's attention was overwhelming - but I enjoyed it. As we made our way backstage, the pain started in my head, too. I was so tired. My legs trembled. 

"Ayumi." Yoongi was the first one to speak as I uncontrollably fall to the floor. I couldn't help it. My body.. my chest.. my head.. why did it have to be so hard? He crouched down, along with Jimin and Miss Kia. 

"Here, have some water." Miss Kia handed me a bottle of water, but in the middle of drinking it down, I started coughing. 

"Ayumi.." Jimin's voice sounded so concerned. 

"Fuck." Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm taking you to the infirmary." 

'I'm okay!' I signed right away, but Miss Kia already insisted. In an instance, Yoongi was holding my hands, while Jimin handed me my pills, which I immediately drank. 

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