Chapter Twenty-Two

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I stared at my reflection on the mirror.

My pulse rate was higher than usual. I panted, falling on the floor out of exhaustion and chest pain. I reached for my bag, pulling out my pills, some water, and a face towel.

A knock was heard on the door, and Dad came inside. I quickly hid the pills, hoping he wouldn't notice that.. I was dancing too much. Again.

He sighed and sat down next to me. "Ayumi.. you see, your father is in America right now."

I knew that. But I nodded as if I didn't. I motioned him to continue, "And the whole reason as to why he did is to get you a scholarship for your dancing. And believe it or not, you got it."

My eyes widened. My heart pounded.

"You're going to study in America next year." he smiled. But I knew it was forced. My brows furrowed instinctively, because it did when I was sad, or didn't want to.

'I don't want to.' I signed. 'I don't want to leave the country. I don't like father.'

"But it's for your own good." he finished. "Didn't you promise that you'd aspire to be a dancer, no matter what it takes? That you'd fulfill your mother's dream for you and her? For your talent to be known? That's what you always wanted as a kid."

I pursed my lips, and I felt myself frowning. It was the past. 'I'm not a kid anymore.'

"Yes." he nodded. "That's why.. you'd know how high you can aim your goals to be. And right now, this dream that you had when you were a kid, the opportunity is right in front of you. Ayumi, you are going with your father."

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder and standing up.

'I don't want to leave you!' I motioned madly. 'Or anyone.'

"But we'd still see each other, I can visit you. And you can come back to Korea on your breaks, too. You'll get home sick, but we can still have video calls." he smiled warmly. I stared at him for a while.

Why did they all want me to go?

'I don't want to.' how many times do I have to show them that I didn't want it? 'I'd be fine in Korea.'

"And you'd be phenomenal in America." he said, turning on his heel. "I'll arrange everything. Don't worry."

I wanted to stop him, but something inside me hesitated. I was going to come to a point wherein I had to choose - and whatever situation I may be in.. I'd never want to go.

I was so upset, I texted everything to Jimin and everyone else.

No surprise - Yoongi was the first one to reply, since he was always on his phone.

-- wanna go out to eat?

Feeling myself smiling, I immediately replied and quickly changed into casual clothes. I let my hair down, and wore some leggings, with a tucked in shirt and a thick jacket.

-- lets meet up at the station in 10? suga's got this , u should be smiling when i see u or else

I wore some boots, since it was incredibly cold outside. I texted my dad about meeting up with Yoongi, and wasn't surprised when he agreed. Lately, he's been very open and mild with me.

Walking to the station wasn't a problem since we lived close to one. And I waited by the stairs.

A thought was in my mind as I waited for Yoongi. Meet up in 10? Didn't he live numerous stops from here? Something was up.

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