Chapter Eight

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Usually, I would've ignored the music I heard when I was strolling to school, but the person that was rapping just sounded so familiar.. 

Out of curiosity, I made my way to one of the stalls that played the song. And sure enough: I was right! Blasting through the small speakers was Yoongi's voice. He was rapping a song I wasn't familiar with.. 

He was a composer, wasn't he? I never knew he sold his songs! Overcome with excitement and cheekiness, I ended up buying the song that was playing. It wasn't really the type of music I usually listen to, but it was pretty catchy. 

Odd how it came in a usb. There were probably more songs! Wah.. that just made me like and admire him even more.. 

I seem so creepy. 

I giggled out loud, before fastening my pace to go to school. Today was the first day of practice for the cheering squad. Dad has agreed on me being the cheerleader, but that I shouldn't practice full force. 

The whole day was reserved for practice, since exams had just finished. Next week, we would start having shortened schedules and 4 hours of practice. I already choreographed plenty of cheers. 

I went to school earlier than usual. Maybe a bit too early.. so I decided to stroll inside school for a while. Since I was pretty attached to the 3rd floor, I decided to walk around the said floor. School looked so peaceful in the morning without much people. 

These past few days, I suddenly became a lot more self-conscious. I made my way to the girls' bathroom, not bothering to enter when I saw a familiar girl inside, fixing her hair. 

She scoffed at the sight of me, but I decided to ignore that. I started washing my hands, and from the corner of my eye, I see her sending me unamused looks. 

"Moon Ayumi?" she tapped her fingers by the sink, her gaze burning on me. I forced a smile and looked up at her, waving. She cocked an eyebrow. "Are you the girl Minjun kept talking about? Quite ironic, seeing as to you can't." 

I smiled again and bowed, about to exit the bathroom, when she grabbed my wrist, a little too harshly. My heart started beating faster. Did I have to be so hated? 

"You see, you're not very entertaining. I don't get why Minjun keeps giving you his attention. You secretly like it, don't you? All the acknowledgement." her grip tightened. 

Please let go. 

I didn't like fighting. 

I didn't know her.. why was she so.. 

I gently yanked my hand away from her and bowed down. 

She scoffed and placed a hand on my shoulder, before pushing me, not too strong to get me off balance, but I stumbled back, I took the opportunity to get out of the bathroom, but she ended up following me and backed me up. 

"How come you're cheerleader?" she rested a hand on her hip and eyed me. "The teachers are never considerate. How will you teach if you don't have a voice? How will you show if you can't take action? Ah, you get the easy life." 

"Answer me, Ayumi." her voice was soft, but I could sense all the venom. She was bitter. 

I stared up at her and hoped she would be understanding enough. She raised her hand, and before I even got what I expected, I felt someone pull me. 

"Oi." Yoongi walked up to the lady. I felt like a child. I wanted to fight back.. but I just couldn't. 

She scoffed, "None of your business, Yoongi." 

"Stop messing with her, Jiyeon." he growled, his grip still on my hand. I felt heat rise up my cheeks, and god, I should stop. "Fucking bitter. Has Minjun done you any good? Is that why you're different now?" 

"We have more history than you and her." she shot me a glare. "I can't believe you're putting up with her. You are one hell of a guy. You really don't get me with your taste in a partner. No wonder we didn't work out."

My heart pounded. 

"Bring the past up all you want." Yoongi didn't seem too affected. "You're going nowhere." 

I didn't get it. 

They did have history.. didn't they? 

Yoongi pulled me to god knows where. I was still thinking of their relationship. I wanted to know what happened, but maybe I shouldn't. 

"Ayumi." he started, sitting on one of the chairs inside the music room. Was it just me.. or did he look paler than usual? "God, I won't always be here to stand up for you." 

I wanted to stand up for myself.. too. 

"Her words can never be more than lies." he rolled his eyes. "She went with Minjun.. that't it. I never fell for her too hard.. you get me?" 

I slowly nodded and moved closer, placing the back of my hand on his forehead, gasping at his temperature. I started panicking and signing: 

'You're sick!' 

'Have you drank medicine?' 

'You should've stayed at home!' 

He eyed me, "Ayumi, I can't understand you." 

He was so hard to read. 

I pursed my lips and stood up, enveloping his much larger hands in mines and leading him outside. 

"Here." he sighed and handed me his phone. I quickly typed in everything I wanted to tell him. He gave me an unamused look. "I don't want to go home." 

'You have to!' I typed in, pulling him with me outside of campus. 

"Don't you have practice?" he stopped in his tracks. 

That didn't matter.. 

'That's okay!' I handed his phone back to him. 

"Ayumi." his voice was more stern than usual. "You have to attend practice. I'm not a child." 

I nodded slowly and gave him a reassuring smile. I could just say I was sick for today. This was at least the only way I could say my thanks.. 

"You're not coming home with me." he said, taking his distance as we arrived at the bus station. My brows furrowed, and I followed him to the waiting area. He looked tired. 

We sat down on the benches. 

He didn't bother looking at me, "Ayumi. I said you're not coming with me." 

He managed to read my confused expression, "Because I don't like seeing you down." 

That didn't clear things. He was getting indirect, it wasn't like him. 

"If I wanted the best criticism, all I have to do is go home." he flashed me a smile. "If you really want to come, then fine. Don't let it affect your perspective of anything - especially me." 

A smile crept up to my lips, and I let out a giggle. 

'Got it!' 



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