This man.

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Germ: So I guess I'll read the first one, hm, this seems to be one of the Philippines.

A/N you knew I had to do this.

Some of the countries turned and looked at her. She looked away and sunk into her chair. There were somethings that she didn't want certain people to find out about.

Dear diary,

Today a strange man came to the house today.
Papa told me that I have to live with him, that he sold me.
Did I do something wrong, am I not good enough for him?
I'm still crying as I'm wrighting this.
Kuya Romano tried to calm me down, but I just don't understand.
Why, this man wants to take me away.
This man calls himself a hero.
A hero is supposed to make life good and happy.
This man is no hero.
I hate this man.
This man, Alfred F. Jones.

A tear ran down her cheek, the memory itself was painful enough, but for everyone to now know about it, she was embarrassed and torn.

Phili: I-I'm so sorry. Please excuse me.

She left the room, the eyes burning into her back. She didn't make it that far, just outside the door before she fell into a crying mess. Romano, Spain and America came outside and saw on the floor, barely holding on to herself. Romano was the first to walk to her, he wrapped his arms around her and tightly embraced her.

Romano: Shh... it's okay, shh, I'm sorry I couldn't help you before. I was young and ignorant, but now. Now I won't let you get hurt, I promise.

Philippines hugged him even tighter, as if she let go then she would disappear.

Phili: I'm sorry *sob*  I-I'm *sob* sorry. P-Papa, I'm sorry f-for being a

Spain: Mi Niña, you were and never will be a disappointment.

Ameri: I can't help, but feel also too blame, I took you away from your family, and took you to a whole new country. Your right I'm totally not a hero.

Philippines' tears didn't let up, she stayed there on the floor, holding on to Romano, who also started to cry. He covered his face, he didn't want to look weak in front of her.

Romano: Maria, please d-dont cry. You were b-born to smile, n-not cry.

Phili: Romano. *sniffle* I'm sorry I d-didn't mean to make you cry also.

Romano: Hey, there's the Maria I know, please don't cry.

Ameri: Maria.

Romano held her tighter, as if he was protecting her from him. America caught this and looked away, not because of Romano, but because he was too shameful to look at Philippines.

Ameri: I know now that you hate me, but I really am sorry.

Phili: *sniff* It's alright, I forgave you a long time ago. I wrote that when I was a little kid, I took my anger out on you, when now I know that papa Spain was only trying to do what was best for me.

She stood up, wobbly, and didn't let go of Romano, she couldn't. He wrapped his arm around her and helped her walk back into the room. She hesitated.

Romano: Hey, if anyone says anything or even looks at you weird, I'll kill them, okay.

Philippines weakly smile and nod, she gave a sigh and entered into the room. All eyes were on her, she looked down, she never like crying in front of people, especially her friends. Romano sat her down on a couch near the back and stood up.


He sat down besides her and again wrapped his arms around her, she put her head on his shoulder and held on to him.

Germ: Well, who wants to read next.

China: I'll read. Okay this one is about Italy. It says Italy isn't as weak and dumb people think he is. He actually is very smart but doesn't like to show it.

Japan: Wow is this true Itary-san?

Italy: Ve~ of course-a it is, I-a mean I'm-a home to-a many great inventors.

Romano: My-a fratello isn't-a dumb? Well-a that's a surprise.

Italy: Why do-a you have to-a be rude?

The mood was lightened a little, and few more light hearted diary then America spoke.

America: Okay, how about we take a 5 minute break and continue until dinner?

Russ: Sounds good.

There were light murmurs and nods, when mostly everyone was gone the room was left with Romano, Philippines, Italy, and Germany. Philippines was nodding off to sleep, resting her head on Romano shoulder.

Italy: Ve~ Aww fratello, you-a two are so cute-a!

Romano: If-a she wasn't asleep-a right now, I would-a kick you butt.

Germ: Ja, well I'm going to get something to eat.

Italy: Fratello, do you want anything?

Romano: Just get me a coffee, and a mango for Maria.

Romano looked at the sleeping figure on his side. Italy skipped off to Germany and to the kitchen. Romano and Philippines were alone. If only she knew, if only, he thought to himself.

So have you felt the feels well you will soon.
Evil laugh.
Bye bye

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