Go to sleep

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Lexi's P.O.V

As soon as I walked into his room, I almost gagged from the overwhelming smell. I was officially scared. I've never smelled something so awful. But. Besides the body count his room probably holds, it looked like a normal teenage boys room. Clothes on the floor, pictures of girls on the wall, a couple of empty pizza boxes. By the greeting of him and Jack (I think that's his name) they both were just teenage boys.

Slenderman however. He has always scared me. Reading the stories. Playing the game. Thinking he was fake. It's what helped me sleep at night. I had trouble sleeping then but. Now. I really have a reason to stay awake at night.

"So." Jeff says breaking the silence,

"Do you have. I don't know medication for that no sleeping thing."


"Oh" He sounded. Disappointed?

"Isnt not sleeping like. unhealthy or some bull?"

"in some cases...yeah it is"

"Oh" He tries killing me, now he sounds concerned?

"Well. go to sleep."

"Sorry. not risking you killing me."

"No no...I mean. just...rest. here."

"Oh...okay" I look over at his bed. There's stains I could identify and some I couldn't. I'm not sleeping on that.

"Still pissed at you. Really thinking about gutting you like a fish here and now."

That itself sent a chill down my spine.

"But I won't. now to sleep."


"The floor." I have officially diagnosed this boy with bipolar disorder. I was getting ready to sit on the floor before he sighed loudly.

"On a pallet idiot."

Well he's good with insults. I heard him mumble under his breath the word "humans" in an annoyed tone while passing me a pillow and a blanket

"Thank you.." I whispered before getting comfortable on the floor next to his bed. I see him take off his hoody. His chest was covered in scratches and scars. I have not the slightest idea where they came from. He snuggled into his bed.

"Night." he said. In his more child like tone other then his menacing one.

I squeeze my eyes shut still trying to convince myself It's a dream. Everything. Every one. It isn't real. It can't be. I turn my body to the other side so I'm facing his bed. I trail my eyes down his back. Scratches there too. Lots of them. The floor is starting to warm up under me since I was laying there for awhile. I trail my eyes back down to the darkness that is the bottom of his bed. What I didn't expect were two, cold eyes staring back at me.

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