Chapter 78

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Emily was taken to surgery immediately after she said goodbye to Derek. Meredith Grey, head of general surgery, was going to stop the hemorrhage and fix the spleen that was ruptured, so Emily was going to be in surgery for at least 4 hours.

The whole team was in the waiting room, they were all really worried for Emily and they knew that she shouldn't have gone to that undercover mission, but there was nothing nobody could have done, it was that or lose her job which wasn't an option. Derek called Chloe, the babysitter, to tell her that they were going to stay here for much longer than expected. JJ help Spencer out with some bruises he had on his face, but it wasn't something major. Rossi was really worried and he was praying for Emily's health. Aaron called the Bureau to tell them what had happened and that Emily was in the hospital because of them. Penelope, was super sad and worried, she didn't know what to do, all she did was cry and pray for Emily to be okay.

5 hours later...

The time has passed and there are no news about Emily's surgery and doctor Grey hasn't given an update. The team is getting really worried and they are imagining the worst. Spencer stood up from his chair and passed around for a while to calm his anxiety.

-This is all my fault, I should have said I was the FBI, I should have done something to protect her.

-Reid don't do that, don't be so harsh on yourself she would have done it for any of us. Don't worry!

- You're not mad Derek?

-I'm not mad at you Reid, don't worry. I'm mad at the head of the FBI for making my pregnant wife go on an undercover mission that anyone could have done.

-Thanks Derek...

-No worries Reid, this is not your fault.

Then Dr. Grey came out and came closer to us while we stood up

-I'm sorry...

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