Chapter 79

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-I'm sorry for taking so long to give you the news. Emily is fine, she is in recovery, it's just that we had some complications while operating because of the babies, but everything is fine now. She will need to stay at least 3 days and then she needs to be off the field for 2 weeks. She is still asleep but if you want you can go see her one by one, and quietly you may go.

-Thank you, Dr Grey I'll like to go first - I said

-Let me take you.

Meredith took me to Emily's room, she was Emily's friend for a long time (since she married Derek Sheperd), so they had become close and Emily trusts her with her life, so I trust her too.

-I'll leave you two alone.

-Thank you, Meredith!

-My pleasure to help.

I went inside Em's room, she was plugged into a lot of machines, I could hear the three heartbeats on a monitor and I felt relieved, I felt like everything would be all right. I sat down next to Emily's bed and held her hand:

-Em, your are all right now, Meredith fixed you and you are doing just fine, like the babies.

I kept holding her hand until I felt asleep...

The day after...

I woke up by the movement close to me. It was Emily waking up

-Hey baby girl, you are fine...

She wanted to talk but she had a tube down her throat so I called a nurse and she took it out and brought some water.

-Baby are you okay? How do you feel?

- I'm fine, how are the babies?

-They are totally fine...


I was in pain but I didn't want to worry Derek. Then Meredith came in with Derek Shepherd:

-Hey Emily, how you doing? - asked Shepherd.

- I'm fine thanks.

- Okay you will stay here for 2 more days and then you're staying of the field for 2 weeks - said Meredith.

- Okay thank you Meredith

-You are welcome!

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