Chapter 92

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A month later...

We had some rough few weeks so I'm giving the team a week off. Because of this, we were reunited in the conference room. I went in, and they all had tired faces and Spencer started talking.

- Em... sorry Prentiss, I don't think we are in the conditions to take a new case. We are all really tired.

- I know that's why I have you all reunited here. You all have a week off to do whatever you want; I'll see you next Monday.

- Thanks, Em!! - Said Penelope and she hugged me.

- You all deserve it 

They all thanked me and hugged, except Savannah; she just left the room without saying a word. I went back to my office after everyone left and started doing some paperwork.

- Em, are you ready to go home? - Asked Derek

- I need to finish some paperwork Derek, sorry.

- Em, we all need some rest. You have been staying late every day to make sure the paperwork is turned in; I don't think Aaron minds if you leave it there until next week.

- Emily, he is right.

I turned my head towards the door and Aaron was standing there. 

- I just came to tell you that you can leave I'll finish the paperwork. You deserve to rest like the others.

- Thank you, Aaron!

I packed my stuff and headed out the BAU with Derek.

- Em, we should go to a gateway island, just for a week, you and me.

- That's a great idea. We can leave Declan with my mother and we will go together to rest for a week, only the sand, sea, and sun.

- Yes, so where should we go?

- We should go to the Maldives

- Oh! I always wanted to go there 

- Then let's go!!

So while we were on the car I booked the tickets and a beautiful five stars hotel all inclusive, and the plane left tonight at 8 pm because we have to fly 10 hours. We got home and packed our bags then went to pick Declan from school and took him to my mom's house. Then we headed to the airport and at 8 pm we were flying to the Maldives.

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