Chapter 87

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Today at 2 pm I had to interview an agent that is going to join the team while I'm on maternity leave. She will not be replacing me because that job will be Rossi's, but she is a new agent and needs to be trained in the field so she'll be training in the BAU. The clock hit 2 pm and agent Hayes was already here.

- Good afternoon. Nice to meet you I'm unit chief SSA Emily Prentiss.

And I extended my hand so she shook it and said:

- Nice to meet you I'm agent Savannah Hayes.

- Come on in and take a sit.

She did exactly what I said:

- So tell me why the BAU?

- I chose the BAU because I admire this team and how they work in every case. I feel I can learn new skills and also grow as a person in this team. That's why I chose the BAU.

- Well you'll be training with us for 6 months if nothing happens and then the team and I will make a determination to keep you or let you go unless you tell me you don't want to be here anymore, so you'll be transferred.

- I completely understand what you are telling me and for me is an honor to be part of this team.

- Thank you. Now let me introduce you to the team.

So we walked out of my office into the conference room where I texted the team to meet me.

- Hello everyone!

I got cut off by Penelope

- Do we have a case?

-No, we do not have a case Garcia.

She sat down again

- Everyone I want to introduce to you Agent Savannah Hayes

Savannah came in the room and introduce herself to the team. For a moment I saw her look at Derek with dreamy eyes, so I got closer to him and he hugged me.

- Everyone, she will be staying with us until I come back from maternity leave and then we will determine her future on the team.

They all nodded their heads in agreement. I didn't like at all how she was looking at Derek, let's see what happens.

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