**Chapter 10**

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**Chapter 10**

Bythos POV

Did he just say that he loved us? He didn't, did he? I looked over at my brother to find that he was staring down at Aiden and he appeared to be deep in thought. I’m guessing that he was thinking the exact same thing as me. Aiden had just said that he loved us; I guarantee that neither of us was expecting that so soon. Yeah we figured he would like us but he just admitted to be being in love with us both. Granted, he was drifting off to sleep and probably didn’t think we heard him but we did!

 For us that was a big deal, considering that most people could barely handle one of our secrets. Aiden however found out all of our secrets in one night and at the same time had to deal with all his problems. He was the strongest person I knew. He’s been through so much and yet he has so much in him yet to give. Sitting there watching him play with little Nicholai just made me want to cry. How could anyone want to hurt someone who cared about everyone else before himself?

Aphros tapped my shoulder which brought me out of my thoughts. He signaled for me to follow him so I gently laid Aiden down which was very hard considering the fact that he was a cuddler. Anytime he felt the need to cuddle it was like trying to separate a lion from his meal: Dangerous. After I managed to pry him from my body I followed Aphros outside to the front of the house.

“So we need to figure out what to do about the father.”

“Yeah I know. The only problem is that I don’t want to do anything behind Aiden’s back. Plus he’s been through a lot these last couple of days and I don’t want him to get to overwhelmed and pass out again. By the way shouldn’t we get him checked out or something…he tends to pass out a lot.”

Aphros rolled his eyes at my comment about Aiden passing out and just looked out over the ocean. I knew what he was thinking without him having to say anything. He missed home. He missed being with all of our friends and family. He missed being in the water 24/7. I laid my head on his shoulder and he brought his hand up to run his fingers through my hair.

“I know that he’s been through a lot this week but I just don’t want to see him suffer anymore. We could handle this, quite easily I might add.”

I knew he was right. There was no way a mortal would ever be able to defeat us. Maybe back in Greece when they actually believed we existed and knew of ways to defeat us but now all they knew were guns and knives. Even if we didn’t want to get caught up in actually killing this man we knew a couple of people who would be willing to do us a couple of favors.

“I know how you feel but for now can we just protect him, just watch over him without killing anyone….yet.”

I nodded my head and we just sat there watching as the water crashed along the shoreline. We weren’t even aware of how long we were out there until we felt Aiden drape his arms across both of our shoulders. I turned around to see a pouting Aiden staring back at us.

“How could you two just leave me in there like that? I could have gotten kidnapped or something…”

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