**Chapter 17**

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Chapter 17

Aiden's POV

I grimaced as the pain rushed through my body as I tried to turn away from the sun that was now burning through my eyelids. That was when the reality of my situation came rushing back to me. I was still trapped in this warehouse with a crazy man trying to kill me and my boyfriends. Everything now seemed so bleak.

My hair was matted to my face with sweat and blood. I could feel the disgusting mixture dripping down the side of my face, every so often flowing into the crack of my mouth causing me to spit it out violently. I hadn't been allowed to leave except for the times that I was taken to a bathroom and since I was passed out most of the time I was here I never really actually knew what was going on.

"I see you're awake now..." A voice I've never heard before came from next to me. Snapping my head to the side I tried in vain to see him.

"You seem to have a lot of energy for someone who's been through what you've been through." He chuckled. Scowling at his amused demeanor I decided that I would do some talking of my own.

"Who the fuck are you and what have we ever done to you?" For a while no one said anything and I thought that maybe he left next thing I know someone's hand was grabbing the top of my hair and pulling my head back. I was met with the gorgeous face of my mystery man.

Little things about him reminded me of Aphros but the way he was now smirking at me instantly made me think of Bythos. They were related that was the only reason I could think of that would make sense.

"Why do you hate them so much?" I asked, my voice almost a whisper.

The smirk on his face dropped as a frown took its place. His eyes moved away from my own. Looking past me while he held my head back in an uncomfortable position as he continued to look up at nothing thoughtful.

"It doesn't matter because by this time tomorrow I won't have to worry about either of them anymore." As the words left his mouth his smirk returned. Looking back down at me he continued to mock me.

"Well I'm off to go see your boyfriends...wish them good luck. They'll need it..." With that he leaned down and smashed his lips against my own. In another world where I didn't already have Aphros and Bythos and this man wasn't undeniably a psycho I would have more than enjoyed this but right now this kiss made me feel dirty and violated.

Pulling away he licked his lips before letting go of my hair and walking out the room. I wanted so badly to wipe the disgusting taste out my mouth. Thinking about the kiss made me think about what he said before it. That tomorrow my beautiful boyfriends won't be around.

The warms tears began to glide down my cheek as every moment we've shared flashed through my memory. It couldn't be over so soon. I just got them in my lives, they were my everything and there was no way I was planning on losing them. I needed to get out of here but how?

"Oh son..." His disgusting voice echoed through the entire warehouse as he slammed the door open. He was drunk. I could hear it in the way he slurred his speech. This was not going to be pleasant. My only hope would be Aphros and Bythos.


Skye's POV

It was time to meet my traitorous brothers. The fact that they assumed that I would allow any of them to leave including that delicious little boy toy of theirs that I have locked up right now. It's quite a shame to get rid of something so gorgeous even if it is a human.

"Skye." Holding up my hand to shield my eyes from the noonday sun I smiled at the two forms standing above me.

"Hello Aphros...Bythos." As soon as the words left my mouth Bythos strong hands wrapped around the collar of my shirt as he pulled me forward, lifting me slightly off the ground. The smile never left my face.

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