**Chapter 23**

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Chapter 23

Aiden's POV

The dewy grass underneath me was so refreshing. The feeling of the wet grass on my back was nice. Rolling over quickly I narrowly escaped my doom as Nicholai trampled through the grass chasing two of the boys from the town.

"Slow down you three! I could have died!" I shouted shaking my fists at them.

Nicholai turned around smiling brightly at me before they began running towards me. Before I could get out of the way fast enough they slammed into me driving me into the ground. Their chubby little fingers were running all over my body tickling me mercilessly.

"No! Stop! Aphros...Aphros...get the kids!"

Aphros and Bythos lazily walked over to where I was lying on the ground shaking in laughter. Stupid brats really knew how to tickle someone into submission. Instead of helping me out my wonderful boyfriends decided to stand over me watching me get attacked.

"If you two don-don't do something I promise...promise that I won't touch either of you for a month!" I screamed between the laughs. In seconds the two of them were pulling Nicky, Jace and Andre off of me while the kids kicked and whined about not being able to tickle me to death.

"Hush small children."

"We're not small!" Protested Nicholai.

"Yeah we're almost seven years old!" Jace pouted.

Shaking my head I walked away from the three little kids that were now being chased by Aphros and Bythos. Oh the joys of being a child. There were no problems and no worries. They were so lucky. Walking up to the back of our own personal house I sat down next to my mom who was lounging with a glass of lemonade watching us have fun.

"Hey mom."

"Hello darling. Having fun?"

"Fun? Did you see those children tried to trample me."

Rolling her eyes at me she turned her attention back to the kids as they climbed all over the brothers. It was nice seeing Nicholai having fun especially when I think about what happened six years ago. Just think, he could have been back at home with dad getting beat on for whatever reason he thought of that day.

"What are you thinking about hun?"



Talking about him was still a touchy subject for me sometimes. After waking up in the Underworld we managed to find our way home only to be attacked once more by my grieving mother. She almost choked me to death and had it not been for the new god like strength I wouldn't have been able to pry her off me.

When she asked about dad I simply shrugged my shoulders and told her that it was all taken care of. True to her word Nyx had taken care of my father. He hadn't died as a matter of fact she brought him to her world where he has been ever since.

I've only been back once to see her. When I got there things were definitely different than before. She wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a tight hug. She told me that for centuries I had been the only person she had brought here. Not even her own children she could bring there.

"He will forever be my servant and believe that is not an easy thing to do." she reassured me.

The entire time he was standing in the distance not saying anything, simply staring. It worried me to see him like that considering he was alive and well. I didn't need him getting out of this place somehow and coming after all of us.

"Don't worry the only person that could get him out with have to be a god or goddess and no one comes into my domain without my permission."

After the guarantee that there would be no way of him leaving without her knowing it I was sent back to the mortal realm where the rest of my family was waiting for me. Since then we've lived an amazingly free life.

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