**Chapter 15**

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Chapter 15

Aiden's POV

I could hear the patter of the rain as it crashed against the window. Why was it raining so hard? It was supposed to be nice and sunny all month. When my eyes opened I was met with darkness and nothing else. There was something tied over my eyes. Reaching up to remove whatever it was I realized that my hands were handcuffed to something. Saying that I began to freak out was an understatement.

I began to pull against the handcuffs, hoping in vain that somehow it would snap or something. Shifting in the chair I tried to get up which caused me to realize that my legs were strapped to the legs of the chair. There was no way I was getting out and I knew it.

That's when the events of last night rushed through my mind. Someone had kidnapped me! I couldn't see anything, I was handcuffed to a chair...I think, and Aphros and Bythos didn't know where I was. That's when it really hit me and the tears began to flow. Thoughts of never seeing them again had my heart clenching with each passing moment.

In the distance I could hear a door creak open slowly then slam shut. Slow and heavy footsteps began further away and came closer and closer to me within minutes. My whole body tensed with each step. Who was this person and why would they want me? Who was I? I was a nobody! There was no reason to kidnap me. So why was I sitting here against my will, chained to a chair?

"Wh-Who are you?" I screamed nervously at him. Nothing. "Please just let me go!" Nothing again. “I won’t tell a soul, I promise!” Not a word.

I sat there listening to his breathing for what felt like hours. He wasn't saying anything and he hasn't moved since he got in here. The tension in my body seemed to ease after a while, I was still alert and waiting for any sudden movements but I couldn't help but relax when I realized that he wasn't going to hurt me anytime soon.

That's when I took in the fact that it was pouring outside. Hard. I could hear the wind licking the side of the building and the windows as the rain continued to crash down on the building we were in. The crack of thunder shook the place as the rain continued to pour down. With ever sound of thunder my heart jumped in my chest. It shouldn't have been raining. Not this hard at least. It sounded as if there was a hurricane outside. Could it be?

I focused my attention back on the man that was standing in the room with me. I could hear him breathing but he still wasn't saying anything. Why wouldn't he say anything? What was his reasoning for kidnapping me? I had so many questions but he wasn't answering me at all.

"JUST TELL ME WHO YOU ARE! I THINK I DESERVE TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE AT LEAST!" That must have gotten his attention, within minutes his hand came crashing down across my face. My hand jerked up instinctively to grab my face before it stopped about halfway due to the handcuffs. It stung like hell but what he said next hurt even more.

"You deserve nothing...you're a piece of faggot scum and you're going to die like a faggot piece of garbage should..."

It was my father's voice. My. Father. The man that had raised me since birth, who had held me close to him when I scraped my knee when I was eight. The man who tucked me into bed and read me stories while I was still young. The man who claimed to always love me was now standing here with me chained to a chair and no doubt a red hand print now burning my face.

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