**Chapter 11**

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Chapter 11

Aphros' POV

I was now in the water with Bythos as Aiden sat on the shoreline with his mother, splashing little bits of water at his brother. Nicholai had been doing nothing but giggling since we came to the beach and it had the same effect on us all; we had no choice but to be happy with him. Aiden stood up and stepped further into the ocean headed towards us. When he finally reached us he jumped on Bythos' back, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck.

"Ride 'em pony!"

"I'm not a damn horse get off my back you crazy person."

"Oh hush you know you like when I do this..." he leaned down so that he was able to whisper into his ear but he still said it loud enough so that I could hear. "It turns you on..."

I laughed as a blush spread across Bythos' face. I had rarely ever seen my brother blush, he was never embarassed about the stuff he did. So moments like this caught him off guard. He started to try and get Aiden off his back and all he was doing was laughing maniacally as he gripped his neck tighter.

"I will never let go! NEVER!"

They were so cute together. It was hard sometimes to imagine my life before Aiden, not that I would want to. I can only remember being depressed most of the time and had a feeling of nothingness that seemed to come and go as it pleased. I always hid my true emotions because I worried that Bythos might get depressed as well, and that was the last thing I wanted for my baby brother.

We sat on the beach until it got dark. It was nice just sitting there spending the day with Aiden and the rest of our new family. I could get used to this. Spending all day with the people I love just doing nothing but relaxing and having fun and then repeating it the next day and the next. He would love it back home; we'd have to find a way to bring them there. Yes I plan on bringing all three of them back with us, I've only known Nicholai and Sarah, Aiden's mom, for a day but I already feel as if they're family.

I could just imagine a life with them all by our sides. Me and Bythos would finally have everything that we would need in life. We would never again have to look for another guy or girl to be ours. For once we’d be able to stay put in a place and enjoy everything it has to offer.

We never seemed to stay in a place too long because we ended up causing too many problems when we got restless. One time Bythos and I cleared out a whole biker bar because of something stupid that was said. Looking back at that situation now I can laugh and say how truly meaningless it was. Nothing no longer mattered if it didn’t have to do with Aiden. I wanted the best for him…I wanted him to be extremely happy always. I want to always see him smile and laugh; I want him to be continuously happy.

We started to pack up and decided to go into town to get something to eat. Aiden told us of this quaint little restaurant that had the best food in town. We walked up to this building with "Amy's Place" displayed across the front of the building. It looked quiet but in a peaceful way. We walked through the door and the hostess smiled widely at us as she gathered the menus that she needed.

I looked around and noticed that it was a nice and quiet place. It was decorated like a nice romantic restaurant without being overly lovey dovey. There were a few couples sitting around laughing at each other and sharing intimate moments. That could be Bythos, Aiden and I; sitting there with smiles on our faces.

"Hello and welcome to Amy's Place, come on in and we'll find you guys a seat."


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