The Perfection of Integration

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Roughly a month after Draco's room was vandalized, life had gone back to normal. The couple had stopped receiving snide comments and glares, and no one questioned them about their relationship anymore. 

Harry sat up from where he was laying next to Draco and their friends in the courtyard, "Let's do something, I'm bored."

Draco sighed and set aside his book, "What do you suppose we do?"

Harry thought and shrugged, "Anyone up for a pickup Quiditch game?"

Draco smirked and looked around at their group of friends, who'd perked up at the sound of Quiditch, "Everyone meet on the pitch in 20 minutes?"


Nearly a half an hour later, roughly forty students had gathered on the Quiditch pitch, most to watch, some to play. Harry had run into Madan Hooch on the way down and she had volunteered to ref the game, "Alright, Potter, Malfoy, come here." she instructed, "I'm gonna appoint you two team captains and team seekers, just to be fair. They you'll take turns picking the rest of your team until everyone has been assigned a position and we have equal teams. Potter, why don't you ask Ms. Granger if she wouldn't mind keeping score?"

"Of course." Harry darted off to find Hermione while the students who wanted to play lined up for the team division. They began choosing teams once Hermione was found and agreed to score the game.

"Malfoy, choose your keeper, then Mr. Potter.""

"Ron." Draco chose quickly.

Harry studied the group before him, "Seamus."

"Alright, now your beaters."

Draco chose first, "Crabbe."

"Blaise." Harry selected next.

They went on for several minutes until every position was filled on both teams. Harry's team consisted of Seamus (Keeper), Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini (Beaters), Ginny, Neville and Colin Creevey (Chasers). Draco's included Ron (Keeper), Crabbe, Goyle (Beaters), Dean, Cho Chang and Katie Bell (Chasers).

"Alright, the teams are set, let the game begin!" Madam Hooch threw out the Quaffle and blew the first whistle. Ginny was the first to take the Quaffle and flew off to pass it to Neville. Harry and Draco both flew above the action to watch out for the snitch.

"Do you remember the first time we played a game against each other?" Harry asked, scanning the field for the small golden ball.

"Yeah, I remember you being a show boat and taking the snitch with a broken arm and a rouge Bludger."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Your just mad that Gryffindor won while your dad was watching."

"Piss off, Potter."

Harry flew closer to Draco so that they were nearly touching, "Make me, Malfoy."

Draco smirked and pulled Harry into a passionate kiss. Harry snaked his arms up Draco's chest and around the blond's neck, while Draco's hands forcefully held Harry close. Draco pulled away, leaving them both breathless and speechless as they took in the other, desperate to remember the moment.

The moment was interrupted by Hermione amplifying her voice, "Your teams have asked me to remind you that there's no kissing in Quidditch and to get to work."

Draco flipped off his teammates and laughed it off, "Loser buys the first round of butter beers next week."


The boys flew in opposite directions in search of the aloof Snitch while their team fought for control of the Quaffle, current score, Draco: 50, Harry 30.

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