Depressed? Yes...

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As I walk into school, I head straight to my locker. I put away my gym bag because it wasn't needed until the last period of the day for me. We are required to bring a gym shirt with our school's logo on it, a pair of fitness bottoms, and running shoes. It is so unbelievably dumb that we are mostly graded on if we wear the shirt or not, I doubt they truly care about the rest.

I close my locker with agony, dreading another long and abusive school day. I turn towards the cafeteria, hoisting my backpack onto my shoulder further to keep it from sliding down as I start walking.

It wasn't as busy in the cafeteria and I huff in relief, rejoicing in the fact that I can eat the flavorless food in peace.

Food was food at this point, and I am grateful to be able to eat here without my parents knowing too much.

I huff and rub my growling stomach as I walk to the cafeteria line. Everyone has free breakfast and lunch, so I wait in line to grab my breakfast which was a nice bowl of Cheerios. I start to think of my birthday. Still very anxious about finding a mate, maybe not one in this pack but if so, I pray that he is kind.

"Ahem" I hear.

I slightly jump as that was said very close to my ear, I look up to see a very impatient lunch lady waiting for me to grab my breakfast.

"Sorry ma'am" I softly apologize while grabbing my single serving cereal box and milk.

I scan the cafeteria to look for a seat, there is one closer to the door with no other students by it. It's perfect I think as I make my way there. It pains me a bit as I see everyone chatting with their friends, I would've probably had friends if I wasn't such an embarrassment to my family. I have a few minutes to eat before I am forced to be humiliated by someone who hates my entire existence besides my family. Grabbing the cereal, I rip open the label and pour the contents of my milk in it. I grub down on the cereal, so fast that I am pretty sure I inhaled it. I start to lift the plastic bowl to my lips to drink the milk, but I notice more students piling into the cafeteria for breakfast.

One by one, growing teen werewolves flood the cafeteria and my palms get a bit sweaty (knees weak mom spaghetti). I stand fast grabbing my backpack to throw all of my evidence away, but my trip was cut short from me falling face first into my leftover cereal milk.

I lift my head and wipe the milk from my vision unfortunately hearing laughs as I do. Oh no, I didn't have to turn around to know who was at fault for my fall.

Jessie Brooks...

For context, Jessie Brooks slept around a lot since entering high school. She made it known that she didn't want a mate and even went as far as sleeping with already mated people. Jessie didn't care who the person was that she slept with as long as she got out some of her aggression. Ever since she heard about me that other aggression was used to torment me. She hoped and prayed that she was the Alpha's sons' mate for a higher rank in the pack, but he made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her and her unnatural urges.

"How embarrassing, you truly are an embarrassment Lela" she shouted loud enough for everyone to hear.

As I turn around on my back, wiping the milk from my horrid face. People start to look at me laughing and I guess the others were too embarrassed for me to even spare a glance. I try to say something, anything but the words were caught in my throat as tears threatened to seep from my eyes.

"Aww is poor Lela going to cry?"

"So pathetic!" she shouts as she lifts her foot and slams it on my face.

I wince, covering my face from the unexpected blow. She proceeds to spit on me and walk away with her friends cackling like a bunch of witches. I touch my nose and feel the hot liquid dripping from it. I look around and no one bothers to help me, not even the staff. Feeling ashamed and embarrassed, I slowly stand up and grab my things. I walk out of the cafeteria holding my head down and holding my nose in my hand. My eyes look forward seeing my brother staring at me in disgust. It was far too much to handle at the moment and I speed walk to the bathroom.

The bathroom door swings open as a girl steps out of it, I push past her and went straight to a stall. The sobs escape me as I try to calm myself, I grab tissues for my nose along with my eyes and straighten myself before it was time to leave.

A few minutes go by and the five-minute bell rings signaling that we should head to class. I open the stall door and stare at the mirror in front of me. My eyes were very puffy, and my nose looked terrible. My nose was sore to the touch, and I took my finger away from it. I sigh at my appearance but there was nothing I could do to fix it.

I got into class and was greeted by my AP Spanish 3 teacher "Hola Lela." He smiles at me, but his smile slowly fades while taking in my appearance.

"What happened to you? You should go the hospital wing! let me grab you an excuse note." He says worried.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine. Just a little incident with a door"

He doesn't in the slightest believes me, but I do a fake smile and that seems to sway him a bit.

"Okay, as long as you're sure?" He asks warily.

I nod my head and he smiles slightly to me. I take my seat at the back of the class by a window and waited for class to start.

The rest of the day until lunch was calm since the popular ones and wannabes never wanted to attend class, which was just perfect for me.

As lunch rolls around, I head to the library dreading what would come is I went to lunch. I was very hungry, but I know that I wouldn't even get a chance to eat if I went.

I look upon the sign at the front desk of the library and put in my name. I scan the library and look at the empty desk that was closer to a window which I loved. I take my backpack off of my shoulder and put it on the seat to save my spot. I look around for new books to read and come across 'Fated Mates'. I turn it over and read through, to my surprise it is an actual book about facts of fated mates. I take the book to my seat and read through the book with as much time, scanning it for information as to what to expect.

They say that you have one just mate and that mate is a perfect match for you. The book touches on the three steps of bond. My cheeks heated slightly as I shyly smile about the last step of the bond. The final step of the bond is definitely something I was worried about as I wasn't confident in myself and my body but knowing that your mate can love you regardless made me feel a little better. I turn the page and see the chapter is named 'REJECTION'. I mentally question why rejection would be in the book but as I start to read the bell rings. I sigh and close the book, I guess I'll read another day.

The next few hours of school fly by, I grab all of my belongings and head to the front of the school. I walk past the cars and see my brother and his best friend Nicolas. Nicolas is the Alpha's son, he's next in line to be Alpha.

"Leah, food should be ready in two hours" my brother Dylan shouts and I nodded putting my head down in embarrassment secretly upset about him using the name our grandparents used for me.

When I get to the pack house, I start dinner and clean.
I make a decent portion of chicken alfredo pasta.

I hear the door open knowing it was Nicolas while I finish up. I wipe the counters off but as I do so I can feel someone watching me. My head does a slightly fast turn and I see Nicolas with his hands in his pocket. We make short but meaningful eye contact which was cut off by my unfortunate shyness. I put the rag up and grab my backpack to go to my house of doom.

As I lay in bed my mind starts to think about tomorrow, it might actually be the happiest day of my life.

Or so she thought.


Hey guys 🤍

This has just been recently updated at 1/24/2024.

If things in later chapters look confusing it's because everything is being updated from chapter one, I will remember to put the dates so that you can keep track of them.

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