The Change

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I got off of the plane and got in a cab to the woods. right now its 9:30 and I am still in the frigin cab. My bones are aching. Shifting time is always at 10:00.

My leg is bouncing impatiently waiting on the car to stop.

The cab finally stopped, I look on the radios clock on the cab and its 9:45. I hauled assed to the woods with my bag after paying him!

I make it super deep into the woods making sure I was not on any territory and started taking off all of my clothes. Thanks to my studying I know about all of the territories in the U.S and what to do during the first shift.

My bones are cracking and I am trying my hardest to not scream but it is too hard. So I yelled so loud for so long when I was done everything looked weird.

I speak to Ann

Hey Ann


So am I a ...

Yes you are,

Wow, well what do I look like

Go see for yourself there is a near by pond to your left

Oh I didn't even see that

I got to the pond and see me.. Well my wolf, I am a white wolf with black paws and ears! Wow!

are you excited? Ann continued

For what?

For everything being a werewolf has to offer. Like your powers

I thought we didn't have powers but okay!

So your power is...........................

Tell me already

Nothing (she started laughing)

I should've known

Yeah you should've known from all that reading you do that we don't have powers

That's not funny, sooooooo
When I was studying it said to change back you have to imagine yourself as a human!

Yes that is true but imagine super hard. Imagine every special detail of you.

Okay here goes nothing.

I close my eyes and imagine my long brown curly hair, my caramel chubby body, my brown eyes, and everything else!

I open my eyes and I am human again!
That was surprisingly easy.

I go back to the pond and look at myself and I am in shock.

I am way thinner than before!

Hey Ann

Yes lelaAnn

How am I skinny

When you shift your body automatically loses the extra weight you don't need!



So umm I'm going to go to the nearest hotel and stay the night I'll talk to you later


When I cut off communication with Ann, I put back on my clothes but they are too loose!

But I need to have on clothes so I put them on, holding on to them. I grab my bag and start walking.

I make it to a hotel and pay them for the night. Tomorrow I will find a job and after an apartment.

I get in the shower and put on a big T-shirt.

Then I go to sleep!

Nicolas POV

I tried to find her. I picked up her scent at the airport but that was it, I couldn't trace it anymore.

I'm in my room thinking, where could she have gone!

My best bet is to wait here until or if she comes back!


I started to feel a pain in my chest.
I scream in pain, it feels like my first time shifting but that's crazy. I've already shifted yesterday.

I screamed so loud everyone came in to see what was wrong.

"Son are you okay"?
My father questioned

But everything went black


I woke up in a strange place, everything was so bright.

"What happened"I asked when my eyes adjusted to the brightness and I knew I was in the packs hospital.

"Son, you felt your mates first shift, it was even worse because you rejected her" my father stated!

I almost started to cry because I miss her and I shouldn't have rejected her but I don't I just look away from him!

~at home~

Well I'm gonna go to sleep. Im praying I find her or she comes around so she can properly be our luna!

I go to my balcony and look at the moon. I close my eyes and wish for her to come back home to me.

if you are wondering, he turned 17 right before her birthday. In my book you have to wait for your mates birthday to find them....if you get what I'm putting down!

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