You idiot

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My head turns fast towards my door!

But we just stare at each other



"What the fuck are you doing here" I yell at Nicolas who just kicked my fucking door off the fucking hinges.

"You were in danger"

"You followed me here didn't you"?


"Babygirl did you really think I was gonna let you leave me again and besides it was good that I came here, you were in danger" he said looking me in my eyes with a serious tone.
"1 who the actual fuck would want to hurt me
2 why would they contact you
3 fix my fucking door and
4 how did you know where I lived"I yell in annoyance.
" okay calm down short bus and I don't know why they would contact me but someone called my phone from a blocked number when I was on my way here and I answered it, they said something about money and coming to kill u if I don't give them the amount of money that they desired. And I had your brother follow you, hiding his scent, yknow you are very good at not wanting to be found" he chuckled nervously towards the end
"I'm obviously not good enough if he found me"
"LelaAnn it's not safe here by yourself" he says
"I've been here for a good amount of time and no one tried to hurt me until I went back. I should've never went back there."
"Now LelaAnn look I'm glad u came back, you made me happy maybe you should come back home permanently"
"That is not my home. This is my home, you people made my life hell and I still can't forget it and now I'm here, I've made a life for myself without anybody's help" I say with tears streaming down my face. "I'm sorry it's just I feel like I'm stuck. I feel like I should go back but I don't wanna deal with that. I mean I was gonna sell my company anyway but I still don't wanna leave." I continue

"LelaAnn I'll give you time to figure things out but in the meantime I'm staying here. It's not safe here by yourself" he states

"Fine you can stay but you are sleeping on the floor, why? Because you deserve it and fix my damn door before we go to sleep" I say and go into my storage closet and give him a blow up mattress and my old cover and pillow.

15 minutes later

I walk out the door and I see Dylan and Nicolas working on my door.
Dylan looks up and sees me and smiles widely
"Hey Lela"
"Mhm" I say and walk back to my room and get another cover well 'blanket' and put it on the blow up mattress
But before I do that I hear Nicolas tell Dylan "she's mad because we followed her here"

After putting the blanket on the bed I go to the fridge and find something to cook for all of us because I am starving. This brings back dreadful memories but they are working on my door so I might as well.

I'm feeling seafood tonight so I take out some salmon and shrimp with asparagus and start cooking.
After a few minutes the guys are done with the door and they walk to the kitchen and I was on my phone playing hungry shark like a child.
"It smells like ocean heaven in here" Dylan announces and I chuckle lowly.
The shrimp is all ready done but i put it in the oven to keep it heated
There are 6 pieces of salmon in the oven and a bunch of asparagus in the oven too on the same thing to absorb the juices. They sit down and we start talking and laughing and we actually had a decent conversation.
A few minutes later I take the food out of the oven. After that I get the plates out of the cabinet but the guys said they'll do it and they set the table. Nicolas set the plates and Dylan cups. I then put the food on the plates and they say thank you.
Which I obviously felt weird by because they never say thank you. I just smile and grab the juice out of the fridge...Apple juice obviously!

Okay quick question (debate) 😂😂😂 orange juice or apple juice?

So we eat and talk, when everybody is done I run the dish water and Nicolas says "we'll wash dishes LelaAnn" but I said "yeah we will wash dishes". "I take drying and putting away, Nicolas wash dishes and Lela wash them off, we do it as a family" Dylan says.

After doing the dishes we went back to my room and I showed them where they will be sleeping.

"As a male, I will not sleep with him" Nicolas said
"Calm down give your testosterone a break and go to sleep. And if anything you both have different blankets." I state and they just stare at each other but I'm too tired to care. So I walk to my night stand to plug in my phone and I hear them huff and say fine.

So they get into bed and I go to turn off the light and my Christmas lights that are hung up are on. I jump into bed and turn the other way not facing them. But I couldn't go to sleep and it was obvious that Dylan was sleep but not Nicolas. I stay there trying to go sleep until Nicolas mind links me.

Can't sleep huh? -N

Nope -L

Lela how do you feel about us staying here after everything that happened -N

I mean I don't mind it's just weird -L

Yeah it's weird that I'm still in love with you and I rejected you for no reason -N

Please don't  -L

I can't help the way I feel towards you -N

That's just because of the mate thing -L

No LelaAnn it's real I'm in love with you inside and out -N

Goodnight Nicolas -L

He huffs

Fine... goodnight baby girl-N

I can't tell him I love him, we both aren't ready and I still can't forget what he did. Yes, I forgave him but I did not forget.

I now slowly drift asleep!

Anonymous POV

Damn it I almost had her right where I wanted her but her dumb ass mate got in the way again as soon as I was there I smelt him.
The smell of wolf is disgusting!

It's time to make a new plan!!!

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