Eye Spy with My Little Eye

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The boys were graduating. Both had done well during exams even though we still met and fooled around during the weeks prior. Their marks were identical, their average was the same, and they bought matching suits for the convocation ceremony. I thought it was adorable how they still tried to fool me now and then.

There were some things you just couldn't get past me. Like when my new friend Kelly's boyfriend was cheating on her and I predicted where she could catch them in the act last month. People were creatures of habit. My grades were fine since I spent most of my spare time studying when I wasn't hanging out with them. I had to admit that I would miss having them in the school with me. The sudden attacks in the hall were fun.

I had a lot of fans in the school now. There were some freshmen students who had made a fan group for us with a Facebook page, Twitter profile and Instagram with lots of followers. They were dedicated to stalking us. It was kind of creepy. I may have used it to find my boys in the school once or twice though. Creepy but useful. Plus, it was all nice stuff, complimentary and supportive of our relationship.

They had a nickname for us... I think it was Baurion. I heard rumors that someone had written fanfics about us too, but I wasn't brave enough to go looking for those. Apparently they were very explicit. Kelly tried to explain the phenomenon but I was still having trouble with the concept. Whatever the reason, we were all three of us like celebrities in our town now.

It also meant we had no privacy outside of our homes. There were snapshots of us kissing in the halls, out in the field next door to the school, on the sidewalk on dates, and that didn't include all the pics of us just smiling and hanging out. I downloaded my favourites to use as a backdrop on my computer at home. I mean, how could I not with such hot boys?

I glanced over at said computer through the mirror in my room as I tried once again to straighten my bowtie. It was an unpromising endeavour. I yelled for my sister and pouted when she glared inside my room with only one eye coated in mascara. I pointed at my tie and she sighed at my hopelessness. She pulled at it a few times and I made fake gagging noises. She smacked my head and stomped back out.

I looked into the mirror and it was perfect. I grinned and smoothed my hair back. Yeah. I was hot. Maybe I wouldn't completely embarrass them at this thing. Nope. Who was I kidding. I planned to embarrass them terribly when they walked the stage. Yep. I was going to holler for my boys like they won the lottery. I went downstairs and blushed when my mom wolf whistled at me on the way by.

"That does not make me happy, mom. That's gross." I stuck my tongue out at her and she threatened to give me a noogie, which I ducked away from.

"Whatever. You look great. What time do we have to be there?" She checked her watch.

"We have to be in our seats by one. Is everyone ready?" I asked nervously. She shook her head and pointed to the stairs.

"Just your sister left." She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"Sis! Come on! Don't make me late pleeeease?" I yelled up the stairs. She told me to f*ck off. I thought she looked pretty ready when she helped me with my tie, but whatever. Girls.

"Okay, I am done. How do I look?" She came down in a pretty floral dress and tan sandals. I nodded and gave a thumbs up, then rushed out the door while my mom complimented her properly. As if I could really tell. I was her brother.

The car ride over was uneventful. We found the Baumanns in the auditorium and sat next to them. Our parents got along great, and I think my sister had the hots for their older brother, Samuel. He was indifferent to me, or least that was how it seemed. He said hello when I was in the house, was polite, but it seemed like he had his own life. I respected that. I wasn't out to charm him or anything but I was nice.

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