The More We Get Together

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My boys were officially crazy. I was planning on talking to their father about putting them in a mental institution. Unfortunately said man just laughed at me and suggested if I wanted to put anyone away, it should probably be me. He was right, again. I must have been crazy if I thought for one second I could stand up to those two beautiful boys.

It wasn't a question of whether or not it would happen. It was a question of when. After they managed to catch me off guard twice and Gabe literally fisted me open while his brother held me, I figured my time was running out. They knew I was stretched. It was potentially possible that I could take them both now. I was terrified to do it, but I probably could.

Kelly and Trey both noticed how antsy I had been at school for the last month or more. They thought it was because Christmas was coming, but it was really because I was nervous. I kept second guessing myself about just giving in and getting it over with, but that wouldn't be romantic or fun in the slightest the way my head was going. I needed that at least.

Maybe they would woo me with a nice dinner first? Or we could watch a comedy before the tore me in two... oh wow. See? My head insisted on thinking the worst was going to happen and it was making me want to tear my hair out! My boys were sweet, and gentle. There was no way they would do anything to hurt me on purpose. Remember? I sighed into my chocolate milk and Trey looked at me worriedly.

"Are you okay? You seem really on edge." He asked me quietly. Kel watched with interest for my reply.

"Ah, sort of. It's just my head playing tricks on me." I admitted with embarrassment. Trey perked up a little with that.

"Is it relationship troubles? You could always leave them for me...." He grinned at me hopefully. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You wish. No, it's more... nerves I guess." I picked at my sandwich and Kel narrowed her eyes at me.

"They aren't asking you to do someone else again are they?" She asked me in nearly a whisper so Trey wouldn't overhear. I shook my head no. She sighed in relief and then shrugged. "Well whatever, just go with it. It isn't like they would hurt you, right?"

"Hmm. Yeah I guess." I nibbled on my orange and the sweetness was just perfect to brighten my mood. She was right. They were doing everything they could to prepare me beforehand so they wouldn't hurt me, so why was I so nervous about it? It wasn't like they were threatening to go in dry and hard without any prep. I was being silly. Maybe I should....

The bell rang and I snapped back to attention. Trey was looking at me worried, and I gave him a bright smile to ease his mind. Then I went to my classes and watched the clock until the end of the day. Time really seemed to drag on those days that I knew I was going to see my boys. I wanted it to be over so I could feel their reassuring arms and hot lips.

Instead I had to watch Ms. K get all excited about a mathlete competition coming up in the new year. She had sign up forms for it. Then Mr. G lost his notes for the class after lunch time and spent the majority of the period saying 'uhhh' and 'ummm' until I wanted to slap him. By the end of the day, I was running for the door instead of hesitating with indecision or avoiding them like I had been for the past months.

"Hey baby!"

"Did you miss us?" They hugged me tight and I giggled as I was smushed into a muscle sandwich. I could feel their relief at my openness and lighter mood. I had been kind of stand offish and grumpy lately, but I think I was getting over it. They weren't being pushy, so I really shouldn't worry so much.

"I missed you both so much." I told them, watching two smiles light up their handsome faces. Then I saw a devilish twinkle in Gabe's eye as he pulled me in for a rough kiss. I moaned into his mouth as he devoured my lips. I felt Rafe grab my hair and I was pulled around for a punishing kiss from him. It was wonderful, really, but I was confused as to the suddenness.

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