Itsy Bitsy Spider

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Sam & Anish...

"Your brothers told me what you did to Theo." Mr. Baumann was frowning at his eldest son with disappointment in his eyes. Sam flinched and lowered his eyes, not able to look at the expression for more than a few seconds before it stung his chest with feeling.

"I didn't mean to exactly. I just got carried away. The kid is such a push over; I mean seriously dad... he didn't even try to fight back!" He mumbled to his father. He heard the tsk and scratched his head, blushing furiously about it all.

"That is no excuse and you know it. He is not as strong as you are. You boys have years of being taught to be outspoken and working out to get the way you are. You can't blame him for not being the same as you. I think you need to make it up to him. Also, I'm putting you to work at my clinic. When you go back to school it will be in the evenings and on weekends. I will give you a schedule, so you had better be there." He warns Sam before slamming out the door. Sam cringed and wandered into the kitchen for a drink. There was nothing in the fridge worth having.

It was true though. He had been rougher with little Theo than he should have been and had been paying for it ever since. Rafe and Gabe had ganged up on him and done a number on his face and favourite shirt. His professors had been looking at him like he was a delinquent ever since. Theo had been looking at him like he was terrified and avoiding him like the plague when he did see him.

He had been pretty much banned from the house while Theo was there. Not that it was that big of a deal not to hang around his own house, but it was getting annoying how mad everyone was at him. Dan wouldn't even let him come in his room since it happened. Even his mom shook her head disappointedly. He knew he f*cked up, he just didn't know how to fix it now that it was done.

Maybe this whole 'working for dad' thing would be the answer. He could get on good terms with everybody and then maybe they would forget the fiasco. It was worth a shot, so he decided to head over on the very next day his father had marked for his hours. First thing in the morning he drove over to the clinic and checked in with the front desk.

They sent him to the back for a change of clothes and to check in with the duty nurse on staff. He pulled on a set of plain scrubs and went to the desk where he was told the duty nurse was located. Seated behind the surface covered in clipboards, office supplies and medical paraphernalia was quite possibly the most beautiful man he had ever seen in his life.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." The man quipped as he scrawled something on a clipboard and handed it to a woman on his right. Sam blinked and shook off his daze long enough to introduce himself.

"Sorry. I am Sam, here reporting for duties?" He straightened up as the man looked him over with a critical eye.

"I'm Anish, your duty nurse. I'm putting you on bed pans. Here's a list, help them piss and then clean them up. Should be easy. Carol can show you where the supplies are, help you out." He was passed a clipboard and pointed to an older woman in a blue set of scrubs with smiley faces on them down the hall. He nodded and went off to introduce himself to Carol.

She was a rather stern woman, but she was patient in teaching him the ropes. He was going through the list in no time on his own, trying to be nice to the people he was assisting. After all, it must be sh*t not to be able to piss by yourself. So he figured anyways. One old woman seemed not to mind so much as long as she could give his muscles a squeeze.

It was exhausting work, but he began looking forward to going because more often than not... Anish was there. He liked how the bigger man took charge of the floor and kept everything working like clockwork. He was no nonsense. He was gruff and seemed to have little to no interest in Sam. He was a challenge, and that turned him on to no end.

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