Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?

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My boys were working really hard. I was so proud of them for sticking with their jobs and being responsible. I didn't let them spend their money on dates either, because school was going to be expensive and every bit they could save up for books and materials was money their parents didn't have to spend on them. I missed them sometimes though.

After I was sick, it was almost two weeks before I got to see them again. We just kept missing each other with our schedules. I was used to getting at least one of them every couple of days and my butt ached for a good pounding. I figured I would just go over to their house and wait for them to come home, now that I had some time to myself.

I wandered up to the front door and before I punched in the code, Dan was standing there with the door wide open and a big grin on his face. I smiled back hesitantly and followed him inside, forgoing the stairs up to my boyfriends' room in favour of the kitchen for a cool drink. Dan passed me a water from the fridge and I thanked him.

"Did you walk here? That must have been quite a hike." He said, looking over my sweat soaked t-shirt and jean cut-offs.

"Yeah, it's a nice day out. A little hot is all." I replied. I ran my hand through my hair to push it back away from my forehead. He nodded and took a sip of his drink.

"You know the boys aren't here right now, right?" He announced. I nodded and grinned.

"I know. I can just hang out here until they get back, right?" I raised my brow at him and he blushed a little. Well. That was different.

"Sure. I was just going to watch a movie. Did... did you want to join me?" He was scratching the back of his neck and acting shy. How weird. Oh, maybe it was because of that time at the pool. Maybe he was feeling awkward around me now. I smiled to myself a little at the memory of my boys taking me in the pool. That was fun.

"Sure Dan. What are you watching?" I headed out to the family room and sat on the overstuffed couch. Dan moved to the entertainment unit and got everything set up. He didn't say anything and I looked at him curiously. When the Disney opening came up, I smiled inwardly. He was too embarrassed to tell me we were watching a cartoon? Aww.

It was 101 Dalmatians and I hummed along with the music. Dan was almost in tears when the one puppy almost didn't make it. I handed him a Kleenex and he blew his nose gratefully. I could tell he really liked the flick, and I didn't even ask him to pause it when I got up to go to the washroom. He was too engrossed to notice me leaving or returning.

"So, you really like dogs huh?" I said dryly when the credits were rolling up the screen. He grinned sheepishly at me and nodded.

"Yeah. I wish I was a dog." He whispered blissfully. My eyes widened as I snapped my head over to look at him. He didn't mean what I thought he meant, did he? He was blushing really hard, and he couldn't meet my eyes, so I think he did mean it that way.

"Oh, are you into... that? I tried to be nice about it. I was dating two guys, so who was I to judge? I never imagined their little brother might be into kink play like that. Though, now that I thought about it, Gabe was into BDSM a little bit. Not so much the dramatic mainstream leather and chains bit, but just the rough sex part of it.

"Ah, don't tell my brothers okay? I am still new to the kink. I want to make sure it is for me before I invest a lot of time or money into it." He replied shyly. I nodded with wide eyes and tried to reassure him as best I could.

"No problem Dan. I can keep my mouth shut. Not like I am one to talk anyways." I smiled at him. He smiled back. I felt my phone buzz and took it out to read it. It was Rafe, he had to stay later today at his job so he texted Gabe and I to let us know. I sighed and Dan asked what was wrong. I showed him the text. He shrugged and suggested we hang out until Gabe got there.

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