Mary Had a Little Lamb (gxg)

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A/N: Reluctantly... Due to popular demand I give you Mary and Beth. The beginning is mostly some inner monologue to give you an idea how the Baumanns came to operate the way they do... you can figure out from the last chapter when the smut starts if you want to skip it.

(PS feel free to comment on how I did below, cause this was really REALLY hard for me and I can use pointers if I decide to do this again)

They all thought I was a lesbian but I wasn't precisely. I was bisexual. No one believes you when you say that though. They see you with a woman and call you a lesbian or see you with a man and call you straight. Everyone was pretty shocked when I married the big, strapping Doctor Baumann. He was the last man on earth they thought I would end up with.

But we both knew he was the only man on earth for me. His ideas of sex were as warped as mine were. I could strap one on and pound him into the mattress, and he loved it. He was alright with swinging. He was alright with bondage. He was pretty much up for anything I threw at him. Even kids. He handled those like a champ. Diapers, feeding, school, and everything that came with them.

We decided from the beginning that we would just tell them the truth. Some people might judge us for that, but we felt it was the best way to handle it. They knew from the beginning that it was okay if mommy or daddy brought home other people. We explained to them that we didn't believe in the word 'cheating' or 'shameful' in our house.

It may be different outside these walls, but our house was a kink safe zone. We both explained that to our boys. Our 'birds and bees' talks were far more informative, and potentially scarring I suppose; but the end result was that all our boys knew they could be open and honest with us. About ANYTHING. They wanted porn? We didn't stop them. Toys? Sure whatever. Boys? Just use protection.

I think we both had enough repression in our personal lives before our marriage that we refused to do that to our children. We warned them about how society would view them, don't get us wrong. We just felt that they could figure out for themselves what they wanted sexually. They did too. Some of them faster than others.

The twins surprised us when they told us they wanted to share a boyfriend. I think I would have preferred to have a harem than be a harem, but whatever worked for them. Theo came along and I worried a whole lot less about them after that. Sam may have gotten his priorities a little mixed up for awhile, but he finally found himself when Anish took charge.

Dan even managed to find a top notch Master to look after him. I may have been surprised that Vic was willing to take him on, but I wasn't going to stand in any of the dear boys' way when it came to love. They deserved someone who understood them. Someone who made them better. Someone who took all the bad with the good and loved them anyways.

Like my dearest husband did for me and I him. I was kind of hoping when we planned the party for Theo that I might get a chance to f*ck the cute little twink too, and my dearest hubby was all for it. He suggested I offer to peg the lad since he is gay. I really didn't care. I just remembered how beautiful he was sprawled out under my husband.

Those lovely locks, the wide still-innocent eyes, and the genuine noises that spilled from those lips would have any man or woman willing to kill for a taste. He had kind of drawn the line though with me, so there was a good bet I was walking away from the night unfulfilled. Or so I thought. Then I got the call from Gabe and I felt like my night was looking up.

Theo had a sister and tonight she was coming to the party. I remembered the girl from the boys' graduations. She was about Theo's height, maybe a touch shorter now that he had his growth spurt. Her hair was the same shade of mouse brown and her eyes the same delicious chocolate colour. If I didn't know she was three years older than Theo, I would have thought they were fraternal twins.

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