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“We started dating three weeks ago. That way, the relationship is new enough it won’t be strange that you hadn’t mentioned it yet,” Yoongi starts, subdued. All the usual quick harshness is missing, his tone one Jimin hasn’t heard in six years, since Yoongi met him after school when Jihoon was sick and couldn’t walk home with him, telling Jimin softly that the bully in his class would grow tired of making his haircut soon. It’s a memory Jimin hasn’t thought of in years, but it drags up an appreciation for Yoongi he’d forgotten he once had and makes him feel oddly nostalgic. Yoongi continues, finally turning his head towards his ceiling so he’s no longer gawking at Jimin, “Neither of us know exactly what changed, or when. There’d been a little more tension, recently. Things left unsaid, physical affection that seemed out of place for friends, or lasted too long. One day, we were joking around, and then we looked at each other, really saw each other, and you kissed me.”

“Why did I kiss you?” Jimin isn’t complaining, he’s ecstatic that Yoongi is taking his role seriously and being helpful. He just hates lying, and wants to keep the story as realistic as possible, and Yoongi is gross and Jimin saw him eat mud once back when Yoongi was nine and never spoke to him, not even to make fun of him like he does now, and just kind of hung around while Jimin and Jihoon played, before he grew up and started to think their games were dumb and started being mean every time he opened his mouth. Jimin can’t imagine kissing a boy who eats mud.

“If I kissed you, it might seem like you’re following my lead. If you kiss me, it was your choice. Your mom will be more likely to believe you,” Yoongi explains, and Jimin can’t help his surprise.

“That’s so smart!” Jimin exclaims, in awe.

Yoongi scowls at him, snapping back into his usual demeanor faster than Jimin can blink, “Why do you sound so amazed, asshole? I’m smart.”

“I-I-I just,” Jimin stutters, trying to cover up his bewilderment before Yoongi punches him or, worse, decides putting up with Jimin isn’t worth helping him. Jimin isn’t exactly sure why he agreed in the first place. He doesn’t want to change Yoongi’s mind thirty minutes in, “I just, was, surprised, you… cared? Enough? To put in the thought?”

“If I’m going to do this,” Yoongi grumbles, almost too quietly for Jimin to understand, still glaring at him, “I’m going to do it right.”

“Okay, okay, you’re doing great,” Jimin praises, miming a few bows as well as he can without standing up, prompting, “So, I kissed you?”

“You kissed me,” Yoongi starts again, “and while you were freaking out about how bad of an idea you thought it was to kiss me, I asked you on a date.  Things went naturally from there.

“Okay,” Jimin agrees, surprised they ironed out a back story in so little time. He pulls his knees into his chest, tucking them into his body and circling his arms around his shins, heels resting on the edge of the seat, “so, what about now?”

Yoongi sighs loudly, rolling onto his side so he faces Jimin, watching him with sleepy eyes, “What do you mean? Isn’t that enough?”

“Well, you know, you gotta… know things about me, like, stuff that people in a relationship know about each other,” Jimin can see Yoongi roll his eyes even though he turns his head away to do it, mumbling something too low to be heard, “Like, when my birthday is, and – “

Yoongi snorts, “I know when your birthday is.”

“Really? How?” Jimin can’t think of a year when Yoongi wished him a happy birthday, even the years he spent celebrating with Jihoon at their house.

“Of course I know when your fucking birthday is; I’ve known you for eighteen years,” Yoongi peeks at Jimin over the corner of his pillow. Jimin can only see one eye and the corner of Yoongi’s mouth but he can still recognize the dirty look Yoongi is giving him, “Are you sure you know when mine is?”

Jimin makes a noise of surprise, one that maybe sounds a little offended too, “I gave you a present this year!”

“You gave it to me on the wrong day,” Yoongi points out.

“Because you were out with your family on the ninth!” Jimin counters, crossing his arms over his chest while his lips fall into a pout, “That isn’t the point. So what we know each other’s birthdays, what about the other stuff? Shouldn’t you know how I take my coffee or something?”

“You don’t drink coffee,” Yoongi replies, “Where are you getting this wild idea of what a relationship should be?” Jimin doesn’t answer, because the answer is movies, and he doesn’t feel like listening to Yoongi laugh at him and call him an idiot. Yoongi waits, but when it’s clear Jimin isn’t going to say anything, he keeps talking, “Your birthday is October 13th, and you don’t drink coffee, I like mine with two sugars,” Jimin would’ve assumed he liked it black, “But I don’t drink it that often, I usually have energy drinks. Your life’s passion is dancing. You’ll eat anything as long as it’s healthy. You work out an obnoxious number of hours a week and think Jihoon – and me, for the sake of the story – are lazy assholes for never going with you. Jihoon is actually your only friend,” Jimin makes an annoyed noise and tries to argue, but he’s ignored, “but you talk to some kids at school. None of them are significant enough for me to have met, and Jihoon is my brother, of course I know him. Anything your mom wants to know about you, she does. She’s your mom. Anything your mom wants to know about me, she’ll ask me, all you have to do is not look surprised at the answers. It’s not as cute as you seem to think to tell your mom everything about me, she wants to meet me for a reason. Everything’s going to be fine, I promise.”

Longest chapter so far so people....

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