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It’s after roughly thirteen jokes about Yoongi having no friends and everyone hating him and two muttered ‘are they imaginary’s to his indignant “I have friends!” that Yoongi snaps.

“Fucking christ, Jimin, why don’t I just introduce you to them? Will that make you shut up?”

Jimin’s curious and he doesn’t take that much pleasure out of annoying Yoongi, so he nods solemnly and promises his jokes will cease as soon as he sees the proof.

(Yoongi nearly punches Jimin on their way to the cafe three days later when Jimin wonders aloud if Yoongi makes enough to pay actors to play friends for him.)

Jimin holds his tongue once they actually get into the coffee shop, Yoongi pointing out a small group of boys, one of which is doing something weird with his arm that is making the boy across from him laugh loudly. They’re making noise the entire time Jimin and Yoongi are waiting in line for their drinks. Jimin would have never guessed they were Yoongi’s friends if the older boy hadn’t pointed them out as soon as they entered the shop. He can’t imagine Yoongi putting up with such a rowdy group of boys, let alone getting along with them.

Jimin finds out that Yoongi didn’t warn his friends that he was bringing someone when the boys notice them a couple minutes after they enter, and start to yell Yoongi’s name, annoying the other patrons. One of the calls out to ask who Jimin is, when they catch him peeking at them over Yoongi’s shoulder.

“You didn’t tell them I was coming?” Jimin asks.

“You didn’t tell your mom I was your boyfriend,” Yoongi retorts, and Jimin doesn’t have time to quietly correct to 'fake boyfriend’ or argue that it’s a totally different situation because Yoongi is telling him to grab both the drinks when they’re done and meet him at the table, quickly abandoning Jimin to wait in line alone.

Their drinks are done at about the same time, and Yoongi is standing at the edge of the table, talking to the boy with the loud laugh, none of them noticing Jimin wandering up behind. He catches the tail end of a conversation, and he doesn’t know how it starts, but it finishes with the boy saying, “So, that’s the kid you’ve been in love with forever?” And Yoongi grumbling something Jimin can’t catch before punching the other boy’s shoulder.

When Jimin makes it to the table, Yoongi is blushing and hurries to sit in the booth, shoving two of the boys closer together to make room for him and Jimin.

Jimin, at no point, understands where Yoongi found such happy and lively people, or how he convinced them to hang out with him, but he likes them. The boy with the loud laugh is called Hoseok and Jimin loves him. He’s excited and funny, and he’s a dancer too. Jimin ends up talking to him the majority of the time, Yoongi occasionally interrupting the two of them and his conversation with one of the other boys, the one with the weird arm movement, Namjoon, to make fun of Hoseok. The third boy, Jin, is a lot calmer than the first two and, apparently the oldest. He ducks out early to work, but, before he goes, he calls Jimin cute and ruffles his hair. Jimin’s surprised by how little it bothers him.

Yoongi has to work too, and as much as Jimin likes Hoseok and Namjoon, he doesn’t want to stay if Yoongi is leaving. They leave together, and as they reach the door, Hoseok calls, “Have fun with your boyfriend!”

Jimin’s confused, especially when Yoongi scowls and gives a rude hand gesture to Hoseok over his shoulder.

“They’re nice,” Jimin says, a few steps away from the coffee shop.

“They’re assholes,” Yoongi replies, but he sounds more fond than grumpy.

“You didn’t have to tell them we were fake dating, though,” Jimin mentions a couple feet later, hoping to prompt Yoongi into telling him why.

That was just Hoseok being a dick, don’t worry about it,” Yoongi shrugs it off, not looking at Jimin.

“Well, earlier, though, Hoseok said something about you being in love with me,” Yoongi looks startled, and it confuses Jimin further. He assumed that Yoongi had just said something about their fake relationship, or maybe just said that they were dating without explaining the back story, “wasn’t that because of the fake relationship thing?”

“Ah, oh, yeah, t-that,” Yoongi is flustered. Jimin doesn’t think he’s ever heard Yoongi stumble in all the years that he’s known him, “That was just, in case, you know, uh, in case we ran into them with your mom or something. Just so everyone’s… on the same page… that’s all.”

Jimin thinks the situation is unlikely, but he appreciates Yoongi’s dedication, so he doesn’t argue.

I have nun to say

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