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Jimin is lying on top of his covers an hour after the fight, staring at the ceiling when his phone suddenly rings, startling him out of his thoughts. He answers it without looking, hoping it’s Yoongi.


“What the fuck did you do to my brother?” A voice that definitely isn’t Yoongi’s interrupts Jimin’s greeting.

“Jihoon?” Jimin asks, surprised.

“Who else? How many boys did you make cry today?”

“He’s crying?” Jimin’s heart breaks on the spot. He really fucked it up, “Wait, he told you I made him cry?”

“No, it’s Yoongi, of course he didn’t. I saw him coming in and I asked what happened and he told me to never look at him again and locked himself in his room, but, I’m not fucking dumb. He left here, fine, to see you, and came back like this. So what did you do?” Jihoon explains.

“We just… broke up,” Jimin replies, weakly, no longer sure that’s all that happened.

“I thought you were fake dating?”

“Yeah,” Jimin agrees, “me too.”

“Damn,” Jihoon breathes. The two boys go silent, and Jimin kind of wants to ask what Jihoon’s thinking. Before he gets the chance, Jihoon says, “Maybe you shouldn’t come around for a while.”

Panic stream rolls through Jimin. He’s already lost one best friend, he doesn’t want to lose Jihoon too.

“Just,” Jihoon clarifies, “just for a while, okay, for Yoongi’s sake? We’re… okay, but, I don’t wanna upset him.”

“Okay,” Jimin agrees softly, “I’ll stay away from him.”

Jimin’s mom finds him in the same spot later that night.

“You okay?” She asks eventually, after standing in Jimin’s doorway, watching him for several minutes.

“We broke up,” Jimin replies. His mom makes soft, sympathetic noises as she comes into to sit next to him on his bed and pet his hair.

“Oh, sweetie… what happened?” Jimin narrows his eyes at the ceiling. He knows what actually happened, that he dragged Yoongi into a fake relationship and kept him in it for too long and got a boyfriend as an excuse to end it because he was too scared of the feelings that were entering what was supposed to be a one month plot to convince Jimin’s mom he was gay that only ended with him hurting someone important to him. He knows what he was supposed to say, that he and Yoongi wanted different things and led different lives and felt they were better off as friends, they knew too much about each other to continue their relationship comfortably, some weird thing like that.

What he says is, “I think I cheated on him?”

“You think?” His mom asks, and Jimin isn’t that surprised that she sounds a little angry. He can already hear the ‘Yoongi is a nice boy and I raised you better than that’ lecture she’s probably going to give him.

“It’s… really complicated,” Jimin decides.

“Do you wanna talk?” His mom asks, instead of telling him off, and Jimin has never loved her more.

“No, not really.”

And Jimin really does have the best mom, because, all she does is give him a short kiss on the forehead, pat his knee, and tell him he’ll feel better with time and that she’ll buy his favorite for dinner.
Jimin nearly throws his phone when a notification from “Boyfriend” shows up, three weeks post break-up. He didn’t notice that he hadn’t changed the name, yet, and edits the contact to ‘Yoongi hyung’ before opening it.

YOONGI HYUNG:you don’t have to stop coming over because of me

                                                    JIMIN:I didn’t. 

                   JIMIN:Well, I did, but, it was Jihoon. 
       JIMIN :  Jihoon told me not to come around. 

Yoongi drops his phone onto his bed when he sees the message and jogs out of his room and down the stairs to where he can hear Jihoon playing video games. Jihoon doesn’t get mad when he stands in front of the tv, just pauses his game and stares back at Yoongi.

“Hey, hyung, you need something?”

“Did you tell Jimin not to come over?” Yoongi asks, jumping right to the point.

“Yeah,” Jihoon confirms it, but Yoongi can’t believe Jihoon did it for him.

“Did you guys get into a fight? Are you mad at him?” Yoongi questions, sure there’s some other reason that Jihoon would tell Jimin to stay away. There’s no way Jihoon did it because he knew Jimin had hurt Yoongi.

“Well, yeah,” Yoongi isn’t surprised, but a part of him had wished it was for him, “I don’t know what happened, but, he didsomething to you, and I’m not cool with that, and I didn’t know if you’d be upset if you saw him again, so I told him not to come over for a while.”

Yoongi’s hit with a rush of love for his brother, that pleasant feeling you get when someone who cares about you does something for you, and it’s stupid but he loves his brother and he never thought Jihoon cared about him enough to watch out for him like that and they’re probably too old for it but he goes over to the couch to hug Jihoon anyways.

Jihoon hugs him back just as tightly.

“What really happened?” Jihoon asks, softly, with his head tucked over Yoongi’s shoulder.

“I’ve liked Jimin for a really long time,” Yoongi admits, for the first time, and he can feel Jihoon stiffen in surprise.

“Oh, shit, hyung, if I had known, I never would’ve suggested it,” Jihoon rambles, muttering into Yoongi’s shoulder about how he’s not that shitty, he wouldn’t have tried to fuck with Yoongi like that. Yoongi just squeezes him tighter, for a second, and murmurs that it’s all okay before letting go.

“I’m okay, now, though. Jimin can come back over if he wants,” Yoongi tells Jihoon.

Jihoon looks unsure, but nods weakly, “uh, does… does this mean we’re okay now?”

“What do you mean?” Yoongi’s shocked by the question. He doesn’t know a time when he and Jihoon haven’t been okay. He’s loved his little brother more than anyone since he was three and Jihoon was born.

“Like, I don’t know, just, can we like, hang out? Again? Now?” Jihoon seems unusually shy. Yoongi isn’t sure why it didn’t occur to him, at twenty one, that he maybe should base his life off overheard words from eleven year old boys, but he chooses not to explain himself.

Instead, he just smiles, ruffles Jihoon’s hair and says, “Of course.”

Later, when Yoongi eventually makes it back to his phone, there’s a message from Jimin sent hours earlier that just says, ‘I miss you’.

He stares at the small screen for a long time. Eventually, he types out, ‘you don’t even like me’. Finger hovering over the send button, he blanches and drops it to the backspace, erasing the entire message.

Typing out another, he looks at the small letters reading ‘i miss you too’ for just as long. He shakes his head, groans softly, throws his phone into his laundry basket so he won’t say anything dumb and throws himself onto his bed so he can sleep and forget all about Park Jimin and his stupid smile and adorable laugh and his ridiculous talent and how fucking good he used to make Yoongi feel.

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