short story (has nothing to do with the other story)

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Yoongi is sitting on his bed, legs crossed, with his laptop at his feet. Jimin's legs are thrown across his lap, a common position for them now, because Jimin likes the contact and Yoongi doesn't seem to care either way. Yoongi has his elbows digging into Jimin's thighs where he's leaning over him to touch his mouse, but Jimin doesn't say anything about it.

Jimin has his head pillowed against his wrists, arms folded behind his head as he glares up at the ceiling and pointedly doesn't think about the fact that he's laying on Yoongi's bed in silence when he can hear Jihoon just down the stairs, shouting abuse at whatever game he's playing on the xbox.  

He's actually trying to think about literally anything else. Every time he flicks his eyes away from the spot above him he's watching to glance at Yoongi, his gaze lands on Yoongi's lips, dropped into an adorable little pout, his tongue occasionally swiping across his lower lip as he focuses all his attention on his computer screen. It's inevitable, staring at Yoongi's lips, that Jimin starts to remember the night of the showcase, and, more importantly, the aftermath. He can almost feel it, the ghost of his first kiss. Yoongi's mouth moving pleasantly against his, the heat of Yoongi's body where they were pressed together, the excited energy traveling through him and making it feel a little like he was about to combust.  

"Hey," Jimin starts, because he has no impulse control, "do you remember, that thing, that we did?"  

"Which thing?" Yoongi mumbles. He has to lean in further to reach the keyboard on his computer and Jimin feels Yoongi's ribs press into his knees.  

"You know... when you came to see me dance?" Jimin prompts further. He's not really sure exactly why he's brought it up, but now that he has, he's remembering Yoongi's offer to practice, and thinking, if he's not opposed, it wouldn't be awful.  

"We didn't really do anything," Yoongi corrects softly, glancing sideways at Jimin, "that was all you."  

"No, no," Jimin waves his hands vaguely towards Yoongi, "not... not the dancing part, but, the thing that we did, together, after."  

"You mean going out to eat?" Yoongi is typing something, his eyes on the screen, fingers dancing across the keyboard at a surprising speed and Jimin suddenly has a strange longing to, just for a minute, have all of Yoongi's attention.  

"No, before that," Jimin answers quietly.

"Before that you danced," Jimin can't tell if Yoongi is being purposefully dense, trying to get Jimin to drop it, but he tries once more.

"After dancing, before dinner, backstage?"  

Yoongi laughs, suddenly. It's loud and unexpected, startling Jimin. He doesn't take his eyes off his computer, still replying to something that Jimin can't quite read from his awkward angle, and says, way more casually than Jimin ever could, "You mean the kiss?"  

Even though Jimin had been trying to get Yoongi to say it for several minutes, it still embarrasses him to hear it out loud, and he kind of stammers as his cheeks heat up in a blush, "Uh, y-yeah, that."  

"Yeah?" Yoongi is still laughing, a little, not as obnoxiously as he was initially, "What about it?"  

"Just, uh," Jimin tugs at the hem of his t-shirt, just for something to do, gaze jumping nervously between the side of Yoongi's face and his hands, "you know... the texts?"  

Yoongi teasingly replies, "Oh, did you want to practice?"  

He continues to snicker over his own joke for a full minute before he realizes that Jimin hasn't reacted, and Jimin finally gets his wish, because Yoongi ignores his computer completely to look at the younger boy. Jimin meets his eyes, and when Yoongi sees the serious look on his face, his laughter cuts off completely.  

They're locked in a strange staring contest, neither sure what to do, Jimin too scared to give a definite yes to Yoongi's question. Yoongi doesn't say anything either, but eventually, without breaking eye contact, he closes his laptop and pushes it to the very edge of his bed.

Slowly, Yoongi moves so his hands at braced on either side of Jimin's head. Jimin's legs are still in his lap, his torso twisted so he can hover over Jimin, their faces inches apart.  

"You sure?" Yoongi questions, softly.

Jimin lifts his head, and this time, he's the one who kisses Yoongi.  

Their second kiss is a lot less sloppy than the first, and their third is a lot longer. At the fourth, Yoongi gets too uncomfortable and pulls his legs out from underneath Jimin's, twisting his body until his knees are on either side of Jimin's hips.  

The fifth, sixth, seventh, eigth and ninth come in rapid succession as Yoongi can't help himself and peppers kisses across Jimin's cheeks and jaw, kissing Jimin's small, shy smile with each pass.  

Their thirteenth is interrupted by Jihoon yelling up the stairs for Jimin, and Yoongi moves faster than Jimin ever thought he could to scramble back off Jimin's lap. Jimin props himself up on his elbows and they stare at each other again, this time, with identical wide-eyed looks of shock as both of them realize what they'd just done.

Jihoon yells again and Jimin jumps off the bed, tripping towards the door, his mind blank. Yoongi catches his wrist as he tries to leave and pulls him back, and, for a hopeful second, Jimin thinks he might get that fourteenth kiss.

All Yoongi does, though, is smooth down Jimin's hair where it started to stick up during the twelfth kiss when Yoongi started treading his fingers through it. Their faces are close, again, and Jimin, god, Jimin really wants to kiss him again. He thinks he might.

Jihoon shouts a third time and makes the decision for Jimin, finally stealing his focus away from Yoongi's lips.

He slides towards the door and out into the hall, but, just before he starst down the stairs, Jimin leans back into the doorway to look at Yoongi.

"Thanks," he says, softly, unable to look at his older friend.

Yoongi smiles a little strangely at him, looking dazed, kind of how Jimin imagines he did the night of their first kiss, and murmurs, "Anytime."

OK bye now

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