Are you afraid of the dark: Chapter 3

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The next day rolled by very smoothly.

With drifting off to sleep with Harry's music, the night went by without any worries.

I was sat in the cafeteria scared out of my mind.

Kirsty had to have her therapy early because her Dr was going on a meeting during her original time.

Harry never came to wake me up this morning.

Another female doctor did.

So I was sat here.


Surround by a bunch of freaks I didn't know.

I was scared out of my mind.

Some people weren't actually just mentally insane.

Some people actually looked like lunatics.

One guy has some sort of frothy disease drooling from his mouth and onto his shirt.

It was rather disgusting.

Another girl had a forehead that was maybe even double the size of mine.

It was so un-human looking.

There where so many deranged looking people here and it frightened me.

The words Harry spoke literally sat in the back of my head because it was one of the truest things I'd ever heard.

"Different scares people".

Because it does.

It really does.

In the end, the girl with the oversized forehead is just human just like me.

Although she has some issues as do I and everyone else in this place.

I pick at the plate of scrambled eggs taking a bite then regretting it than taking another cause it tasted so good.

I wonder where Harry was.

He was probably just busy with work or had something going on in his life.

It wasn't really irrelevant to me as long as he was here by the time therapy passed by.

Sitting alone was starting to frighten me even more.

Because maybe sitting with a guy who killed someone is better than being watched by five guys who killed someone.

So I glance around the room starring at everyone's wrists and the colors placed on them.

As long as I didn't interact with anyone with a red tag I should be fine.


I decide on walking over to a guy who had a yellow tag on.

His case must not be that severe so I figure he won't lash out and jump on top of me.

He was quite decent looking and maybe just maybe that's also what lured me over to him.

"Hello". I mumble out.

He raises his head and smiled.

Maybe he was happy to interact with someone other than the doctors here.

"Hi". He says warmly.

I decide that the boy is reasonably nice and that it would be safe to sit beside him.

"My names Morgan". I say while lending out my hand to him.

"Casper". He says while grabbing onto my hand.

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