Are you Afraid of the dark: Chapter 9

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"There". Harry says as he switches the light on to the small lamp that sat beside my bed.

I smile.

Harry tucks the blanket up to my collar bones.

"Am I living up to your expectations?". Harry asks.

I nod my head.

"Definitely". I say.

He Lyes down on the bed beside me.

Lying on top of the crisp covers.

He wraps his arms around me.

He presses his lips against my cheek.

His presence was warm and comforting.

"You'll be okay". Harry says.

I roll over so I was facing him.

I stare into his emerald eyes.

I bite down on my bottom lip.

Harry pulls his iPod out of his pocket.

"Here". He says.

I take the small silver iPod from his hands.

"Goodnight Morgan". He says.

He presses his lips against mine lightly.

"Goodnight Harry".


I leave Morgan's room.

He wanted to come out of me now.

He was craving what I was not.

He wanted power and I wanted nothing more but to have a good nights sleep.

I rush out of the institution.

Black eyes forming at the scene.

I wonder where he would take me.

I wondered what he would make me do.

My feet began to not run at my own pace but at his.

"Agh". I moan out.

It was extremely painful to have someone take over your body.

The thing I hated most about all of this was that he controlled me.

He made me do these tortures things.

But my mind was still there.

I was still there.

Watching everything out of his black orbs.

I felt like a robot being controlled.

He brings me to an Alley Way.

It was dark and haunting.

An atmosphere I was rather used to.

My stomach rumbles.

I go over to a dumpster.

Rats and bugs flying around.

My hand reaches in.

I flinch.

This was going to be horrifying.

He pulls out a rat.

I feel it wriggle In my grasp.

He brings it up to my mouth.

The smell was unexplainable.

My teeth sink into the small rat.

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