Are you afraid of the dark: Chapter 6

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I woke up.

My face was pressed up against Harry's chest.

He was awake and staring down on me.

"Afternoon". He says.

A smile was fixed on his face.

"You're so beautiful". He whispers into my ear.

I shiver slightly.

"Mm". I stutter up.

I shuffle over a bit and sit on Harry's lap leaning my head back onto his shoulder.

He rests his head on top of mine.

His arms wrap around my stomach.

"What kind of way do you love me?". Harry asks.

I feel my cheeks go a light shade of red.

The bell rings throughout Harry's office.

"Saved by the bell". I say while jumping up of him.

He groans slightly.

"Damn you, Morgan". He laughs out.

I smile.

He steps up an wraps his arm around my waist.

"You hungry?". He asks.

I shrug my shoulders.

"Little bit". I say.

We walk towards the cafeteria.

Everybody was panicking and talking loudly.

"Everybody be quiet!". A worker yells out.

I look at Harry in confusion he shrugs his shoulders.

I take a seat on a table with Kirsty and Casper.

Harry sits down beside me.

"If we could have everybody's attention". The same man says.

I shuffle in my seat an fix my attention to him.

"Mark the therapist has passed away. We believe this was a suicide". He says.

My head begins to spin.

I look over to Harry his eyebrows were raised and his lips were parted slightly.

Everything begins to blur.

Words that mark once spoke dance in my head.

"Morgan". I hear Harry call out.

His voice echoes through my head.

I take one last look at him before I find myself crashing to the floor.


I wake up to bright lights and loud noises.

Strange people in masks that I've never seen before.

"Agh Morgan".A man says.

I jolt up in shock.

"Harry, Where's Harry". I shout out.

"Mr styles? He's in his office". The man says.

"Please get him". I say quietly.

"Can we get someone to get Him". The man yells out.

"Do you know what happened to you Morgan?". He says while starring down on me.

"No". I whisper.

"You passed out in the middle of dinner". He says while taking a seat beside me.

Are You Afraid Of The DarkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora