Are you afraid of the dark: Chapter 31

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I knew it all like the back of my hand.

The familiar distorted faces looked at me, up and down.

There eyes were gleaming like light shinning through my body reflecting the past month through their minds.

I felt like they knew my secrets.

They knew the things that we did.

They knew the things that we didn't.

I was confused and scared.

I had felt better.

Harry had made the disorders change like the seasons.

He changed me for the better and I couldn't thank him enough.

As we sat down in the food court it felt different un like last time.

Back then I was scared to eat and now I was starving, waiting to food to enter my system.

I hadn't eaten in days it seemed.

Harry got me my food like he always did.

I guess he didn't want his self entitlement to disappear.

Juliet had told Casper that he reminded him of Jackson.

And I could tell that Harry was feeling like a ruff copy.

He felt like a ruff copy because someone had came in and taken his place being better than him.

But Jackson wasn't better than him.

And Harry was not in any way Jackson.

If all people with the same job were to be compared as similar people than the personality in the world would be minor and small.

Not like Harry's personality it was big and something different.

Harry was never normal.

And I guess that was what I liked.

I had never liked things being the same.

Living a day to day life.

I wanted things to be different and always changing.

And nothing was never the same with Harry.

He smiled down on me while placing down the plate of toast stacked up.

He smirked slightly.

There was at least 5 pieces of toast on here.

"Eat up". He grinned.

I downed the toast in a record time for me.

I always used to eat slowly making myself get full faster.

But I didn't care anymore.

I didn't need to impress anyone.

If I had Harry and he loved me.

And If I'm going to be stuck here from now on.

It didn't matter.

The other girls here weren't even remotely human.

So comparing myself to people like this made me feel good.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here.

Maybe I could learn to live with it.


I felt many things, but I mainly felt embarrassed.

My old co workers were here.

I had gotten to know a lot of them.

We went out for drinks on Friday nights, I went to there wedding and Wrote them Christmas cards.

They looked at me in shock.

I couldn't look at them.

I felt so disgusted in myself.

So I sat, head hanged down low.

The night came around and I was utterly shocked when the workers had aloud me and Morgan to share a room.

We didn't even ask.

I guess the people here weren't all that bad.

Maybe they understood that love sometimes made you more sane and separating us would drive us more crazy.

The bed wasn't much use though.

I was a king single.

Barely only big enough for a bigger guy.

But it didn't bother me.

If She was close to my side that was all that mattered.

Tonight was the first night since many that I would fall asleep by her side.

And I was pleased.

And I knew she was too.

I thought about the way that everything happened for a reason.

That maybe this was supposed to happen.

I spent the last few hours hating were I was but not enjoying what I had.

Everything in life is planned out to some extend.

When your old your body was made to look that way.

Maybe with the minor change.

Like a hair colour differ, or a scar below your eye.

But the structure of you and life was all planned out since the beginning.

Nothing was made to be ordinary or out of the blue.

And maybe for us it was, but not for life.

Life was something that knew what it was doing since day one.

It had everything and everyone planned out.

It was like a game of chess.

Each piece was moved for a reason and in the end it was to win the game.

So maybe I was a game of chess.

Some of the time I was winning and some of the time I was loosing.

Pieces moved and changed and things happened.

But in the end I won, I won Morgan.

And Morgan was the ultimate prize.

Because she wasn't just a girl.

She was an angel.

She was so perfect that she had the love in her to make the evil disappear the way cotton candy dissolved on the tip of your tongue.

When all came crashing down she managed to lift me up from my feet and save me.

She saved me from myself.

So maybe staying here wouldn't be so bad.

The shame would one day disappear along with the embarrassment.

The thought of wanting to be anywhere but here would go as long as I was with her.

As long as I was with her I could be anywhere in the world.

The clock on the wall ticked to 7pm and the lights flashed out.

I closed my eyes and I felt Morgans small body tense up.

Her body began to shake.

I wrapped myself around her.

"I feel like I'm drowning in the darkness". She stuttered.

My lips parted slightly waiting for the silence to pass before I spoke.

"I know the darks a scary place but Morgan if I could promise you anything it would be this together, we will find our way through the dark".

The end...

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