Are you afraid of the dark:Chapter 21

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My head rests against the side of the dirt grave.

The bugs were now infatuated with my body.

It was rather disgusting.

To think I would spend an eternity like this was horrifying.

I didn't know where Louis was.

Maybe he had, had enough of my mopping and Sad remarks.

He just seemed to all of a sudden disappear.

Tears begin to roll down my face.

I wasn't one to cry but in a situation like this there was nothing to be happy about.

"Don't cry your pathetic". A voice in the back of my head says.

"Sorry it's hard to be bright right now". I say.

Was I really talking to myself, Or him in the matter.

A flash appears before a smokey substances flies into the skull sitting before me.

"Harry your an idiot if you don't think you can't get out of here". The voice says but at the same time the skulls jaw moves up and down as if it were talking.

"That's really sick you know making that mans body move like that". I say.

I had really just had enough now.

The skull flies up to my face.

"Harry get out of here now before I burry you alive". It screams.

The skull drops back into the dirt as if nothing had happened.

I jump up.

Being buried alive was not something that sounded remarkable.

I raise my hand up to the dirt.

"Please?". I ask as if he would answer my prays and something would actually happen.

But in the odd chance something did happen.

Ivory began growing from the walls of the grave forming a latter.

I place my hand on the green ivy lifting myself up.

My shirt gets caught on one of the thorns causing it to tear.

"How the fuck did you do that?". A voice says.

I jump in suddle shock causing me to fall on my ass.

"I don't know". I say.

I look up to see Louis.

I stand back up and brush my jeans.

I begin to climb up the latter again.

When I get to the top I lift myself out.

The night sky illuminates Louis figure.

"Come with me" I say to Louis.

He shakes his head.

"I can't" he sighs out.

"But what if I said you could, would you?" I say to him.

He nods his head.

"I would do anything to get out of here" Louis says.

"Come on then" I say walking away.

"How will you do that?" Louis asks following after me.

"I don't know" I laugh out.

"You don't know anything do you? Your very clueless" Louis says.

"Oh I do know one thing" I say smiling to myself.

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