Are you afraid of the dark:Chapter 10

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A few weeks later...


My stay here was beginning to shorten.

I knew that soon enough the summer holidays would be over and back at school I would be.

I did not want to leave surprisingly.

At first that was all I wanted to do.

But now it was what I was dreading.

I had fallen so deeply in love with Harry that time spent apart from him would probably drive me to insanity.

Kirsty and I had grown so close that I was beginning to think that she knew more about me then I did about myself.

Casper was like a brother to me.

I loved him, not in that kind of way but the way you loved your family.

I would even miss Juliet.

After a while she begin sitting with us.

I didn't mind that she hit on Harry because I knew she was in love with him.

And anyone would think that that would torment me more.

And I'm not going to lie sometimes it did.

But love was beautiful.

And love was rare.

So If she loved him, I would let her.

As long as he wouldn't be stolen from my grasp.

I had another 2 weeks left here.

I surely new that my parents would not approve of Harry.

I knew they would not approve of a boy three years older than me, in his twenties.

Has his own flat and a sturdy job.

I didn't care though.

I was seventeen and was mature enough.

They where the ones who sent me away here for the summer anyways.

If they expected everything to go their own perfect way with this whole thing.

They where out of their minds.

It was two am in the morning.

And I probably should be sleeping.

But with all these thoughts running through my mind.

It was hard to even close my eyes.

I shut them anyways.

And maybe it was because I would try and fight against my thoughts.

And try to fit in a few hours of sleep.

Or maybe it was also because shadows where slowing creeping into my vision.

It was two am in the morning.

The perfect time to feel alone and absolutely insane.


Surprisingly I managed to get a few hours of sleep in.

I woke before Harry came to wake me up himself.

I got dressed and pulled my far to long blonde hair into a pony tail.

The days here either seemed to long or to short.

To perfect or a worst nightmare.

But that's what I like about it here.

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