Are you afraid of the dark: Chapter 28

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Niall hit the wall with a loud echoing thud.

The devilish man just smirked at the few of us knowing we were threatened.

I looked at Morgan.

She stood their in fear and I knew I had to do this for her.

I kicked the man in his knee which sent him to the floor.

From their the few of us went at him.

Niall hobbled over in recovery trying to get a hold of himself.

The man just stood up as though none of our moves had made a difference to his health.

Louis was in utter shock.

I would of thought he would of taken some of this, even if he healed in minutes.

But he healed at the scene.

He healed instantly.

And i knew that If he could heal that fast there was only one thing to do.

And that was tear him to shreds.

The Idea was horrifying and so inhuman.

But it was impossible to heal yourself if you were scattered into tens of pieces.

I didn't want Morgan to see this.

If this was going to scar me for life I didn't know what it would do to her.

"Morgan take Jade and Liam out of here". I yell.

The man just looks at me for a moment before tilting his head.

"You don't want them to stay for the show?". He asks.

I frown slightly before running my nails over his face causing him to flinch.

"Tear him to shreds". I mutter as Morgan left the room.

The man just stood their as the scratches on his face smoothened out.

Zayn lunged at him but the creature just threw him away as if he was nothing.

The 3 of us jumped on him.

Digging our nails into every inch of him we could.

Of coarse he was fighting back too.

I got the occasional blow to the face, and at one stage he even managed to snap my ankle.

But I knew that despite all the pain I was feeling, I had to destroy him.

He was doing well, and god he was strong.

The 4 of us were only just managing to take him.

But now, 10 minutes on Zayn and myself had managed to pin him to the floor.

Louis and Niall hurried to our aid and helped us.

I knew that within a matter of moments he could break free from our grasp.

So it had to be done quickly.

"Someone just do it". Niall stuttered.

I was sure the 4 of us had all done unthinkable things in our lives.

But that was with his control, and they didn't even compare to this.

"Harry?". Louis said In a questioning tone.

The 3 boys all looked at me.

I now knew that I would have to be the one to do this.

And so I did.

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