Are you afraid of the dark: Chapter 30

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We began to hit the country.

I could feel my life slipping away and I had no control of holding onto it.

"We don't need to be here, there's nothing wrong with us". I pleaded.

This whole situation was awfully familiar.

"Your all going to get help here". The police driver replied.

I starred down to the hand cuffs around my wrists.

I sighed.

I wondered what would of happened if I had spent my summer like I usually did.

I wonder what would of happened if I didn't go to the institution in the first place.

Everything would be different.

I wouldn't of met Harry or Luke.

I wouldn't of met Juliet or Casper or Kirsty.

I wouldn't of met my life behind bars and metal doors.

"I'm so sorry". Harry whispered into my ear.

I shrugged my shoulder.

I had to weigh this all out.

If I didn't meet Harry and just spent my time at the institution being lonely and scared.

And then after the summer went home feeling maybe a little happier or sadder even.

Or things went how they went and I'd end up here.

Which one id prefer.

There's only one love of your life but there's many outcomes and consequences life might hand you.

And I guess I just have to deal with that.

Because I'd rather Harry over anything.

The big doors and security guards came into sight.

I could almost feel the cool air con hitting my skin.

I wondered where my parents were.

Why hadn't they met me at the police station?

Why hadn't they met me here, would they?

You would think they would.

But they hadn't shown.

Maybe they didn't want to see me.

I don't think I'd want to see me if I were there child.

The car doors opened and I found myself being pulled out of yet another car.

No one said anything besides Liam.

He muttered profanities about how he had only just taken a nap and woken up a few weeks later.

That wasn't helping to his favour.

He did indeed sound crazy.

And the bruising and cuts on his body weren't doing him anything.

Harry walked in with his head held up.

I knew what he was thinking.

I caused this all and now I'm being punished.

My feet padded along the cobble stone pavement.

It felt like just yesterday I was stepping into this building for the first time.

Liam and jade were taking in the new surrounding.

Probably thinking the same things I was back then.

I wondered what Louis and the two other boys were doing.

Did they manage to venture of or did the police catch them.

What would the police think when the found the devils deranged body.

Maybe they would finally understand.

I stepped up the few stairs that were leading into the building.

The police officers muttered a few words to the guards before they lead us in.

The cool air hit my face.

If I was Harry right now id be feeling pure embarrassment.

He was coming here to be treated like a patient when he was only just a worker.

Seeing his old co workers look at him and treat him like an animal.

They lead us into Harry's old office.

I saw as his face softened slightly.

I knew this was bringing back memories for him, it was for me also.

A guy who wasn't Harry sat behind Harry's pine desk.

The sign on the table had Harry's name crossed out and the new mans name written over it.

His name was Jackson Miller.

He mustn't of been much older than Harry.

Their was a resemblance between the two and i think that agitated Harry.

This was Harry's office, Harry's desk.

Harry's job.

And this guy had taken it.

"I'm Jackson and ill be looking specifically after Jade, Liam, Casper and Morgan". He smiled.

Harry's fists clenched together.

I nodded my head wearily.

"Your mine, He can't take that away". Harry whispered into my ear between his gritted teeth.

I placed my cuffed wrists on his thigh reassuringly.

Jackson lifted up a bag of red tags and I sighed quietly.

I had gone from being the slightest bit crazy to being a lunatic in people's eyes.

"Can I un cuff you all?". Jackson asked worryingly.

We nodded our head in sync stuttering out yes.

The police guards moved over freeing our wrists.

My writs almost burned in a way.

It felt like they were so used to being tightened by metal that the sudden no contact was painful.

I shook my hands slightly trying to relax them.

Jackson began tightening the plastic bands around our wrists.

He grabbed a hold on my hand while placing the band on.

I could Almost feel the hatred in Harry's stare.

I could tell that If the devil was still in Harry he would be gone in an instant.

But he wasn't.

So the evil glare would just have to do Harry enough justice.

By now I sat in a room of confused teens starring at red bands tightened around themselves.

Some of us knowing what was next.

As others totally un aware of what they were getting into.

This is pretty short but it was either this be a little longer and there only be like 1 chapter after this or me update in a week or 2 and have like 2 to 3 more chapters so so I don't knowww.

Follow me on Instagram my fan page waitingforl0u cause I'm dying for 2000k followers hahaha I need like 90 more :)

Uh I met and saw a band today! Their called Forever ends here you guys should check them out their hella good!

There a smallish Sydney band just like 5sos before they made it big haha.

Oh and I'm going to the aria awards guys and I get to see 1D and 5sos!! I'm so excited.

Anyways I love you guys haha xx

-Emma <3 x

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