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I rolled my shoulders and jumped in my boots a bit as the thrill of an adventure started, creating a chill up my back in amazing speed. I was ready to do this and I couldn't wait. But at the same time I felt really weary of the place, the last time I was there, it wasn't that fun.

I shrugged it off as I brushed off my deep brown tight pants that went up to my waist, and ended at my ankles, my light blue loose blouse, had long sleeves and a nice scarf of black see through fabric was around my neck. My boots a black as well and went up to touch the begining of my knee. I put on some shades on my face as well to hide the sun's glare. Glad my hair was up in a messy bun as it seemed way to hot out here. Dry, not humid.

"Do you really think he will show up?" Asked a girlish voice, cute really, making me turn where I was by the boat with my bag to look at the woman, and what i assumed her brother who spoke back, and were was standing right in front of Rick path who was looking on amused as he slowly walked towards them. "Personally, I think he's rude, filthy and a complete scoundrel!" She said making me bite down on a giggle. She was quite amusing. I liked her already.

"Anyone I know?" Rick speaks up smirking, Evelyn I'm guessing, turns around and gasps, eyes widening at seeing him to what I'm guessing as now clean, as how I found him in my kitchen is exactly what she described.

"I'm afraid so dear Rick, that it be you." I said walking forward to great them as they turned to me in awe. I get that sometimes, it's like they see some sort of God in me, it's weird but, give my ego a boost to which I'm somewhat okay with as I can control that.

"How you wound me so my dear friend." He said smirking at me as he came up to stand beside me.

I just roll my eyes at him as I usually did and decided to introduce myself. "I am Lotus Anubis." I said as I shook Jonathan's hand, then Evelyn's. "Rick has asked me to help guide you, and help find the city of the dead's treasure, as I assume."

"You know where Hamunptra is!?" Evelyn asked eyes sparkling at me.

I smiled and nodded. She then turned back to Jon and Rick as they started talking.

Jon grabs Rick's shoulder in one hand and shakes with the other. "Smashing day for the start of an adventure, right O'Connell?" He asked and pulled away.

Rick looked at Jon suspiciously and checked his pockets, taking his wallet out then putting it back in, but deeper. "Yeah, sure smashing." He replied sarcastically, watching the eldest Carnahan carefully.

"Don't worry I never steal from a partner, partner?" Jon said sounding somewhat nervous and I laughed at the exchange between the two.

Evelyn rolled her eyes towards her brother and stepped forward towards Rick catching the man's attention. "Mister O'Connell, can you look me in the eyes and tell me this ain't some sort of flimflam?" She asked him.

I find her cute, haha, like a little sister. I giggled to myself quietly as to not draw attention.

Rick then stepped forward causing Evelyn to stare at him a fraction wider. "All I can tell you sweetheart is that my colonel found that map in a ancient fortress, and the whole damn garrison believed in it so much, we marched halfway cross Libya and into Egypt to find it. Like I told ya, all I saw was sand and blood. I'll take your bags." He said, grabbing their bags and went up the boardwalk and onto the ship without another word said to the siblings.

"Well....that's Rick for you." I laughed as I too walked up the plank of wood myself and stepped onto the boat, where my sinking feeling countinued.


I was with the animals of the boat, not liking the stuffy compact room's of the boat as we sailed on the Nile, I never did like boats. I sighed softly as the camel nudged it's face into my neck making me giggle and close my eyes, but again, when I opened them I was somewhere entirely different from before.

I looked around to see I was in what I could see as stables for horses and camels, as they were every which way. I was with a sweet Carmel colored one. Petting her softly, like I was with the camel. I was really confused. Where was I? And why wasn't I able to control my actions? Also, why does it feel so, familiar?

I looked down when I felt my feet were bare on the sandy stone of the floor. But I also noticed I was in a very revealing outfit. It was pure white with a somewhat see through sheen to it, luckily it didnt show much, it covered my front and my bottom. But my back was showing completely. A gold rope around my waist keeping it from billowing and showing more as I was not wearing anything underneath, and my sides were bare as well.

I turned to the side when I heard footsteps to see a tall man clad in rich clothe like robes coming to me. I was even more confused as he seemed so familiar.

He smiled at me in a warm way, creating butterflies in my stomach.

I was nudged by the horse making me close my eyes again, only to open them to stare at the camel's curious eyes.

I shook my head and held my bag closer to myself, and turned to go to the railing and breath the air and clear my thoughts, but what didn't seem right was the air fire!! I turned around as I heard some screams to see the boat on fire and men clad in black killing other people aboard. I see Evelyn and Rick run towards me avoiding being shot by the clad in black mudjai.

"Lotus, jump over, swim!" Rick said as they ducked from being shot at.

I followed Rick's suggestion and quickly climbed up the rail and dived in and swam, to where, I'm not sure. But I swam, I then heard a slight splash from behind to see Evelyn in a white dressing gown swimming after me.

I got onto land and helped her up, quickly putting a blanket I had in my small bag around her, as she was soaked and her clothes went see through. Not appropriate for a lady with a bunch of men around.

"Thank you." She said holding onto the blanket tightly.

"No problem Evelyn." I said as we waited for the boys who were swimming towards us.

"Call me Evie, it's easier." She said as she shivered slightly in the nights air, the blanket becoming slightly soaked.

"Then you can call me Lo." I said giving a smile to her.

Evie smiled and stood beside me as we waited for her idiot brother and my idiot best friend.

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