Wild Night

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Lotus's POV

"We must stop him from regenerating, who opened that chest?" Evie asked as she looked around to circle table that the two Americans, Rick, John and myself were around, Evie standing nearest the wall.

I had a hat on my face, I had changed out of the now rags that used to be the dress, and was in my tight black pants, brown knee high adventure boots, white tank top and a tan nearer to brown fedora.

"Me, Daniels and well Burns of course. There was also that Egyptologist guy." Henderson offered.

"What about my buddy Beni?" Rick asked as he turned from his slow pacing to Daniels and Henderson.

Henderson shook his head. "No he scurried off before hand, smart fella."

"Yeah that sounds like him." Rick said turning back to the window.

He seemed....to be in his own  head set right now.

I sighed as I to got up and paced a little bit, my anxiety of what to come going up pretty damn fast. I have no clue what is to happen tonight. Maybe even tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow.

"Well we must find the Egyptologist, bring back here, he's important." Evie says.

"Yeah, They two stay here, you three come with me." Rick said and there was immediately ruckus.

I just threw my hands up and walked into Evie's room, soon enough Rick came with Evie and threw her on the bed, he gave me a look as he walked out which I just shrugged to.

Evie ran after him but he had closed the door before she could do anything.

She huffed and looked at me. I put my hands up in surrender. "Hey, I can't change his mind, he's more stubborn then I am!" I said helplessly. "Besides we both need sleep Evie, did you even get a good night's sleep last night?" I asked as I went to my trunk that was in her room for the time being.

"But what if I wanted to help!? I'm not just any woman you know!" She said as she too went to her drawers.

I smiled. "Evie, he knows that, that's why he likes you." I said while taking my tank top off even if I just changed into it.

"But...still..." She tried to say even though her face was red as she looked at me.

I rose a eyebrow. "Have you never changed in front of a girl before?" I asked as I grabbed huge men's button up shirt.

"No, not really...." She said as she began to change in shyness.

I smiled and turned giving her some privacy as this room had no bathroom connected to it. I changed into the shirt, discarding the pants and boots afterwards. Then I found some blankets and stole some pillows off her bed to put onto the couch that was in here.

"Does, does he really like me?" Evie asked as she fluffed some of her pillows to be ready for if she did fall asleep.

I smiled at her. "I'm pretty sure. He wouldn't have been so tense finding out you could die. You have him wrapped around your finger Carnahan."

She blushed red and came over. "I really, really hope your right." She says. She looked at my colarbone. "Where did you get those?" She asked.

"Oh this?" I asked at my tattoos and she nodded. "I've always had them. This one I'm sure means Flower. And I have one that's the name, Imhotep the others I'm unsure of. They're in an older language of Egyptian, probably the celestial style, but there hasn't been anyone who can decipher the Egyptian gods language in century's." I told her as I showed some of them.

"Wow, celestial Egyptian? I heard it's a beautiful script. But that is in ancient Egyptian, where's one that celestial?" She asks her eyes wide in interest.

I smiled at her. She reminded me so much of someone. "Here is one, the other, and one more is on my lower back." I showed her the two on my wrists, but not my back one. "Imhotep's name is on my hip."

"Wow...." She said looking at my wrists.

With that we talked awhile, coming up with theories on what they may I have meant.


I opened my eyes, just to find me in the room that I was in before meeting mummified Imhotep. "What?" I asked into the air, trying to sit up  but it was kinda hard with cuffs on my hand.

I looked around to see the gold priests around the table with Imhotep in my side vision and I looked over to see him with the book of the dead, making my heart race in panic. Then I heard a water trickling of sorts and saw Anck-su-namun's body carelessly placed there beside me.

I screamed in horror as she was resurrected. "Imhotep! No! You idiot, we could have met in the next life!" I cried as I glared at him threw tears, what felt like a million knives being stabbed into me, cause by heartbreak.

"It will all be good in the end my love." He said as he leaned down, quickly kissing me in a passionate kiss that lasted for awhile.

He then went away, but the kiss still felt very much there, as I watched him raise the gold standard knife but was cut off as the Medjai entered and quickly apprehended the priests and Imhotep. Anck-su-namun going back to the land of the dead.

I cried in pain as the Medjai got me out of the cuffs and made sure I was decent as I was changed in nothing but a mistress garb of paint and a small loin cloth of gold.

I was there as he was sentenced to hom-dai, and I had to do it. His priests also mummified alive as he was.

Me, watching as he stared into my broken eyes as we closed the lid to his doom.

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