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Lotus's POV

I sighed as I followed my group, with the Americans to some professor that Evie States may help us.

"You!" Evie shouts as she stared at the man that stopped my fight with big guy.

We all pulled out our weapons, in my case my fists as my daggers were somewhere unknown to me.

"Miss Carnahan." Said another fez wearing guy, I'm guessing is the Professor.

"What is he doing here?" Evie asked Looking between the two.

The Professor looked at us, then said. "Would you really want to know or would you prefer, to just....shoot us?"

"After what I just saw I'm willing to put a little faith here." Rick says while putting his guns away, which made the rest of us put ours away.

We were in the museum part of the large building as the Professor explained he is part of some secret society, saying they guarded the city of the dead for 3,000 years. Woah...he countinued on after a pause. They tried everything keep the high preist from being reborn. This high preist being Imhotep. Just great.

"And now because of you we have failed." Ardeth says staring directly at Evie while saying so.

I'll be talking to her later.

"And so killing lots of innocent people while doing so is best?" Evie asked back.

"To stop this creature, let me think...." Professor Terrence says as he and Ardeth, who by the way found out his name as we walked to this room, they looked at each other then to her. "Yes." They said together.

Evie just walks off a bit as Rick raises his hand for only a second. "Question, why doesn't he like cats?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Did you read nothing from the books I gave you?" I asked, he just gave me a risen brow. "Cats are the guardians of the underworld, he will fear them until he fully regenerates."

"And then he will fear nothing." Ardeth says giving me a glance.

"Yeah and you know how he gets himself fully regenerated?" Henderson yells panicky.

"By killing everyone who opened that box." Daniels says eyes on his gun.

Henderson then said the rest. "By sucking them dry that's how!"

I grimaced as I remember Burns being so scared but I wasnt able to talk thanks to a gloved hand of Imhotep.

"John stop playing with that!" Evie says as she walks back to you he spot near Rick. John almost fell from his slight fright.

"When I saw him alive at Humanaptra, he called me Anck-su-Namun." Ardeth and the Professor looked at each other. "And then in Mr.Burns rooms, he said something about equal trade."

"It was cause of Anck-su-namun that he was cursed, apparently even after 3,000 years, he still wants revenge for her slutty ways and trapping him in her seduction. When really he was in love with the High Preistess." Terrence, the Professor said to Ardeth who in starting to think may be a bit Emo.

"He's still in love with her after all these years..." Ardeth says to fez head.

"Yes well that's very romantic, what does that have to deal with me?" Evie asks messing with her locket.

Ardeth and Terrence go into their own conversation as we watched. "Perhaps he has the book of the dead..." Ardeth inquiries.

"Then he's already chosen his human sacrifice." Then they look at Evie.

"Bad luck, omen." John said looking at his sister worriedly.

Terrence stood up as he walked a bit. "On the contrary this may give us a chance to kill him."

"Okay so he needs Evie as a sacrifice....for what exactly?" I asked.

"To bring Anck-su-namun back, tell her they're over, then proceed to make her the deity so he can have The High Preistess, the last one that Egypt had. Lotus." Ardeth says looking at me specifically.

I shook my head. "I can't believe it, men are stupid. Past Lotus, and him could have meant in another life. Buuuttt nooo, he had to go and try to take over the world cause he's a man." I said as I folded my arms. "He needs me too doesn't he?" I asked glaring at the ground.

"He'll... Be taking your first time." Terrence said with a blush to his face.

"What!?!" I asked face going read.

"It us true, to realise the sacred deity ship that your past life has, then he'll haft to take your virginity." Ardeth says looking up, and not at me.

I threw my hands up into the air. "Just great....he's sacrificing Evie, and taking my first time."

"So you still are a virgin?" Terrence asked, looking even more worried.

I sighed. "Yes, can we stop talking about my non existent sex life or whatever?" I asked.

"Yes, but to protect you, we need all the help we can get, his power grows stronger." Ardeth says as we all follow where he's staring out to.

We all watched as a dark spot, which I'm guessing is maybe the moon, covered the sun. Making everything darker then it was before.

"And he stretched forth his hand, towards the heavens, and there was darkness across the lands of Egypt." John said.

"Way to make it even creepier then it was before." I said as it fully covered the sun.

"Your welcome." John said.


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